
Published Sep. 26, 2023 2:57 PM

The world is experiencing an anthropogenic nature crisis, with global warming and catastrophes, for example, wildfires and flooding, causing destruction of living conditions and habitat both for human and nonhuman species. According to WWF’s last living planet index, one million species are risking extinction, leading to a need for a criminology that addresses the multifarious reasons for this situation, which to large degree is lacking.

Published Feb. 20, 2023 2:48 PM

Germany is a major hub for illegally traded species and their products, such as ivory. It is also a major destination country for protected woods and endangered reptiles. The German city of Hamm hosts one of the world’s largest trade shows for reptiles and amphibians, the Terraristika.

Published Oct. 24, 2022 12:55 PM

Although the extent of the black figure of environmental crime in Spain is unknown, according to statistics and reports submitted to the CITES Convention institutions, a significant degree of compliance with this convention has been achieved in Spain.

Published Mar. 9, 2022 3:34 PM

The most recent newsletter of the American Society of Criminology's Critical Criminology Division (DCCSJ) highlights the 2021 DCCSJ award winners. This include Professor Ragnhild Sollund.

Published Feb. 7, 2022 1:52 PM

In the Anthropocene, humans are changing and harming the planet in significant and possibly irreversible ways. Biodiversity loss is one of the main elements of these human-caused harms.