Seminar: Policing, boundaries and the state - the changing landscape of sovereignty and security

State and institutional boundaries in contemporary Europe are undergoing profound transformations due to factors such as globalization, growing migration flows, multi-level governance, networking and privatization.


The seminar will address how policing agencies, including but not limited to state institutions and the public police, are grappeling with these developments in various ways, with aims to developing a broader understanding of what ‘police’ and ‘policing’ means today. It brings together young and  established policing scholars with papers exploring the emerging structures and processes and examine the consequences of fragmentation, deconstruction, and privatization of statehood and sovereignty.


Thursday 26 september


09:45   Coffee and registration


10:00   Welcome and introduction – Synnøve Ugelvik, Faculty of Law, Oslo, and Matthew Davies, Oxford PPRDG Convener



  • Professor Ben Bowling, King's College London: Transnational police accountability.
  • Professor Katja Franko Aas, Dept. of criminology and sociology of law, Oslo: What’s in it for me? : Transnational police co-operation and state sovereignty.
  • Superintendent Stan Gilmour, Thames Valley Police: Organised Crimespace: Borderless crime and boundless investigation?
  • PhD candidate Synnøve Ugelvik, Dept. of public and international law, Oslo: The sovereign state securing citizens: Norway as insider and outsider in the EU police cooperation.


12:45-13:45  LUNCH

13:45-16:15 BORDER POLICE AND POLICING BORDERS Chair: Helene Gundhus

  • Professor Sharon Pickering, Border Observatory, University of Monash, Australia:  Border Control and Irregular Migrant Women: Australia, Greece and Italy
  • Assistant Professor Karine Côté-Boucher, School of Criminology, Université de Montréal : Changing Occupational Identities in a Border Organization: Canadian Customs Officers and the "Arming Initiative".
  • PhD candidate Yael Litmanovitz, University of Oxford: Legitimacy and procedural justice in paramilitary police, pilot study of Israeli Border police.
  • PhD candidate Sigmund Book Mohn, Dept. of criminology and sociology of law, Oslo:  Police without real police work?


16:15 – 16:30 Break

16:30 – 18:15 POLICING IN NEW INSTITUTIONAL CONTEXTS Chair: Chris Giacomantonio

  • Dr Saskia Hufnagel, ARC Centre of Excellence in Policing and Security (CEPS), Griffith University: Transnational Policing and Regulation: A Socio-Legal Analysis of Police Cooperation Strategies in Nordic Countries, Greater China, Australia and the EU'.
  • Dr Maren E. Kleiven, National Criminal Investigation Service (Kripos): Seamless Law Enforcement Cooperation: The Nordic Police Liaison Officers.
  • PhD candidate Trine Thygesen Vendius, University of Copenhagen: The changing EU legal and institutional frameworks: On Europol´s new cyber crime centre EC3 and the agreements with private companies and third countries.


Friday 27 September


9:45-10:00 Coffee


10:00-12:15 TRANSNATIONAL POLICE CULTURE Chair: Heidi Mork Lomell


  • Dr Ben Bradford, University of Oxford: 'Self'legitimacy among police officers  serving in an English Constabulary.
  • PhD candidate Siv Rundhovde, Norwegian Police University College, Oslo: Controlling the illegal smuggling of wildlife to and from Norway.
  • Associate professor Helene Ingebrigtsen Gundhus, Norwegian Police University College, Oslo: Where the action is: police culture and transnationalisation.
  • PhD candidate Chris Giacomantonio, University of Oxford: A Rationalized Myth? The institutionalization of police collaboration in Canada and the UK.


12:15-13:15 LUNCH

13:15-15:30 POLICING THE PAST AND THE FUTURE Chair: Synnøve Ugelvik


  • Professor Bjørn Møller, Aalborg Universitet-København: Back to the Future or Forward to the Past? Medieval and Early Modern Security Sectors and Their Relevance for Today and Tomorrow.
  • Associate professor Heidi Mork Lomell, Dept. of criminology and sociology of law, Oslo: Prospective Policing.
  • PhD candidate  Jens Kremer, University of Helsinki: Policing on shaky ground?
Employing new security technologies for public surveillance.
  • PhD candidate Geir Heivoll, Norwegian Police University College, Oslo: Policing the liberal nation state in a permanent state of exception: Giorgio Agamben on sovereignty, state of exception, and police authority.


15:30-15:40  Break


15:40 – 16:00 Closing discussion


Published Nov. 27, 2013 11:00 AM - Last modified June 16, 2016 9:38 AM