Project Associates

The project associates are key to the empirics of Digital DNA. As professionals in the field they are introducing project researchers to the practice and the politics of technology use. They are enablers: they grant access to the sites we visit and provide us with context for the phenomena we study.

Associate Prof. Thomas Berg, Forensic Genetics & Molecular Pathology, The Arctic University of Norway.

Dr. Ane Elida Fonneløp, Forensic Biology, Oslo University Hospital

Ane Marit Ryen, Senior Advisor, Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board

Truls Petersen, Market Leader, Health and Sustainability, Standard Norge.

Trude Haugen Thor, Senior Advisor, KRIPOS/ Norwegian National Criminal Investigation

Published Apr. 9, 2022 12:34 PM - Last modified Apr. 11, 2022 2:25 PM