The Deaf and the hard-of-hearing in the Criminal Justice System (completed)

What is it like to be deaf or hard-of-hearing when facing the Criminal Justice System? Are their legal rights just as secured as for those in the hearing world?

Foto: stxchange

About the project

"The Deaf and the hard-of-hearing in the Criminal Justice System" focuses on whether their legal rights are secured and whether they receive equal treatment as those in the hearing world. The research project consists of two parts: a mapping of national and international research on the deaf and hard-of-hearing in the Criminal Justice System, as well as an empirical study of the legal protection for the deaf and the hard-of-hearing. The project will especially focus on the role of translators and experts in cases where deaf or hard-of-hearing individuals are on trial.


"The Deaf and the hard-of-hearing in the Criminal Justice System" is funded by Fritz Moens forskningsfond, Stiftelsen Signo, and will be completed by the Fall of 2010. The project is headed by dr.polit. Jane Dullum. 

 Hørselhemmedes stilling i rettspleien er finansiert av Fritz Moens forskningsfond, og vil være ferdig sommeren 2010. Prosjektet ledes av forsker Jane Dullum


"The Deaf and the hard-of-hearing in the Criminal Justice System" is conducted in collaboration with researchers from Avdeling for forskning og utvikling ved Skådalen kompetansesenter.

Published June 14, 2010 10:39 AM - Last modified Oct. 28, 2015 1:42 PM