Radicalization and Resistance

The Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law welcomes to a criminal policy seminar on Radicalization and Resistance.

Islam and radicalization has been a hot topic the last couple of years, especially since the increased terror attacks in Europe which have brought the trheats closer to us. The project Radicalization and Resistance have tried to highlight the resistance towards extremism among young young muslims in Norway between 18 and 50 years old.  

The Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law welcomes to a seminar where there will be a panel discussion with activists, ordiry muslims and scientists.

Introductions at:

  • The project Radicalizations and Resistance: Sveinung Sandberg, Idil Mohamed, Samah Shokr, Jan Andersen, Tiffany Gasser og Marius Linge introducing findings from the project.
  • Sindre Bangstad, researcher at Kifo. Bangstad works with topics related to Islam, the freedom of speech and racism.
  • Sumaya Jirde, 19 year old activist from Bodø. Jirde has been very active in the discussions and debates on how it is to live as a young muslim in Norway.

Chairman: Head of the department Heidi Mork Lomell

The seminar is especially targeted for new bachelor- and masterstudents, and is part of the orientation for the new students. Employees and others interested are welcome to attend. 

Published Oct. 24, 2017 2:27 PM - Last modified Oct. 24, 2017 2:27 PM