MIGMA researcher discussing the Model International Mobility Convention

The event hosted by the Norwegian Nobel Institute saw Özlem Gürakar-Skribeland discuss the Model International Mobility Convention (MIMC) with Professor Michael W. Doyle of Columbia University, one of the drafters of the MIMC.

MIGMA researcher Özlem Gürakar-Skribeland and Professor Michael W. Doyle. Photo: UiO.

- This is such an extremely exciting project. Some of the leading experts in the area worked on drafting this model convention for over two years, and now they are presenting it all around the world and testing the reactions. I am very happy to have had the opportunity to comment on the text and discuss it with Professor Doyle, who is one of the main drafters, says PhD-fellow Özlem Gürakar Skribeland.  Gürakar Skribeland is part of the research project MIGMA - Transnationalism from above and below. Her research is on the legality of forced return of migrants to transit countries, and she uses Turkey as a case study.

- The model convention has a very unique, novel approach to migration. It is built around the concept of mobility and is intended to cover all people who cross international borders, regardless of motivation. It is a very ambitious project, Gürakar Skribeland elaborates. 

Global cooperation about migration

To mark the launch of the Model International Mobility Convention (MIMC), the event was a cooperation between the Nobel Institute, the Global Policy Initiative at the Columbia University, New York and the research group "International Law and Governance" at the Faculty of Law, UiO. The MIMC represents a consensus among over 40 academics and policymakers in from a wide range of fields including migration and refugee law. 

- This event and discussion were particularly timely because of the upcoming UN conference in Marrakech in December, for the adoption of the global compact on migration, Gürakar-Skribeland explains.

You can read more about the MIMC here. 

By Tara Søderholm
Published Nov. 15, 2018 2:23 PM - Last modified Aug. 25, 2023 9:40 AM