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Law and prison healthcare

In this project we explore the relationship between ‘law in the books’ and ‘law in action’ when it comes to prison healthcare service delivery.

About the project

This research project study the relationship between ‘law in the books’ and ‘law in action’ when it comes to prison healthcare service delivery.

The project is part of the interdisciplinary project "Prisoners health in healthy prisons: Punishment, marginalisation, and access to welfare" (PRISONHEALTH) (medicine, criminology and law).


The project will combine legal doctrinal analysis of intersecting areas of law, such as human rights, health law and prison law, with empirical data based on interviews with prisoners and staff and qualitative analyses of archival data based on cases in the health care-penal setting.


Spring 2023 we arranged a seminar where The Parliamentary Ombud for Scrutiny of the Public Administration, Hanne Harlem, commented on articles written by scholars and practitioners in the field on health behind bars: The special issue in Kritisk Juss "Health Behind Bars?" is open access and edited by Ida Gundersby Rognlien and Ingunn Ikdahl (in Norwegian).




The project is part of the research project "PRISONHEALTH".

Published Nov. 9, 2023 7:28 PM - Last modified Nov. 9, 2023 7:29 PM