REF-ARAB postdoctoral researcher joins forum for junior scholars

REF-ARAB’s postdoctoral researcher Dr. Mirjam Twigt has been accepted to the Forced Displacement Workshop for Junior Scholars.

Building community with colleagues around the world Image may contain: Person, Face, Smile, Lip, Chin.

The workshop series is hosted by the Refugee Hub and the Human Rights Research and Education Centre (HRREC) at the University of Ottawa. Taking place virtually on a monthly basis, the workshop provides a forum for junior scholars researching in areas related to forced displacement to present their work-in-progress and receive feedback from colleagues around the world. The aim of the workshops is to build community and share ideas among junior scholars with complementary research interests.

Research on digital refugee lawyering

Dr. Mirjam Twigt's research in the REF-ARAB project focuses on digital refugee lawyering, with an aim to further comprehend the move towards technologies in humanitarian assistance for refugee protection. Focusing particularly on the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KR-I), Dr. Twigt seeks to explore the potentials and challenges of digital lawyering for UNHCR personnel, people working for local legal aid providers, (I)NGOs, community leaders, and refugees themselves.

Published Feb. 8, 2021 5:32 PM - Last modified Aug. 9, 2023 10:50 AM