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Tid og sted: , Rio de Janeiro State University

The international conference ‘Crime in Latin America’ brings together social science scholars who conduct empirical research on crime and criminal justice in Latin America.


Tid og sted: , The Faculty of Law, Professorboligen

The research project AGOPOL will present key results and new perspectives on algorithmic governance, predictive and pre-emptive modes of policing, and the pluralization and privatization of policing and intelligence.

There will be a screening of two films after the conference in Auditorium 2, Domus Juridica.

Tid og sted: , University of Oslo, Domus Juridica, Auditorium 2

The conference seeks to bring together researchers to focus on the interaction of medical, legal and lay understandings of phenomena that are highly topical and political, namely rape and abortion.

Tid og sted: , Professorboligen

We are living in the middle of a nature crisis, in the process of the sixth extinction with a galloping loss of wildlife worldwide. During the last 50 years, nearly 70 % of wildlife populations are gone. Do our conventions protect or endanger animal rights and wildlife?

Tid og sted: , Domus Juridica

Hva er de store utfordringene innen kriminalitet og kriminalitetskontroll i dag, og hvor godt rustet er vi til å forstå og møte dem? Dette og flere andre spørsmål er tema for Norges første kriminologikonferanse.

Tid og sted: , University of Oslo, Domus Juridica, Auditorium 2

How does a trace turn into evidence and legal knowledge? The research projects Evidently Rape and Digital DNA follow forensic traces from the crime scene to the courtroom. Join the conference «Evidence in Motion».