Publikasjoner fra CRIMEANTHROP partnere

Fajardo, Stefes og Wyatt

Under arbeid.

Christoph Stefes


Gabehart, Kayla M., Allegra. H. Fullerton, and Christoph H. Stefes. 2023. “Policy feedback and the enforcement of international wildlife treaties in Germany.” In: European Policy Analysis. DOI: 10.1002/epa2.1192.

2021. “Wildlife Protection in Germany: Sound Legislation and Deficient Implementation.” In: Revista Catalana De Dret Ambiental, 12(1).

Gabehart, Kayla M. and Christoph H. Stefes. “Signing Globally, Implementing Locally: Protecting Endangered Wildlife and the Predicament of Germany’s Federalism." In: German Politics. Under Review.

Book chapters:

Stefes, Christoph H. 2024. “Paper Tigers and Local Perseverance: Wildlife Protection in Germany.” In Sollund, R. and Lie, M. S. B. (eds.) Criminal Justice, Wildlife Conservation and Animal Rights in the Anthropocene. Bristol, UK: Bristol University Press: 125-50.


Tanya Wyatt



Dunn, R., Johnson, L., Millar, H., Willis, C. and Wyatt, T. 2022. Public Perceptions of the Bern Convention in the UK. Law and Society Review.  

Wyatt, T. 2021. The Non-Human Animal in CITES and Bern Convention Implementation in the UK. Revista Catalana de Dret Ambiental. Volume XII, Numero 1. 1-34. 

Book chapters:

Wyatt, T. Forthcoming 2024. Rewilding in the UK: Harm or Justice? In Sollund, R. and Lie, M. S. B. (eds.) Criminal Justice, Wildlife Conservation and Animal Rights in the Anthropocene. Bristol, UK: Bristol University Press: 168 – 184.

Publisert 25. nov. 2019 10:59 - Sist endra 24. okt. 2023 13:23