Ny bokserie på feltet Green criminology

Forlaget Ashgate er nå i ferd med å opprette en ny bokserie innen Green Criminology. Det forventes å publisere mellom tre og tolv bøker årlig i serien.

Michael J. Lynch og Paul B. Stretesky skal fungere som redaktører for den kommende bokserien. Ashgate forlag etterspør nå bokforslag.

Les utlysningen om bokserien (pdf)

Ashgate forlag beskriver bokserien på denne måten:

- Volumes in the series will consider such topics and controversies as corporate environmental crime, the complicity of international financial institutions, state-sponsored environmental destruction, and the role of non-governmental organizations in addressing environmental harms. Titles will also examine the intersections between green criminology and other branches of criminology and other areas of law, such as human rights and national security.

The series will be international in scope, investigating environmental crime in specific countries as well as comparatively and globally. By bringing together a diverse body of research on all aspects of this subject, the series will make a significant contribution to our understanding of the dynamics between the natural world and the quite imperfect human world, and will set the stage for the future study in this growing area of concern.

Forespørsler om og forslag til bokserien kan rettes til:

  • Michael J. Lynch,  Department of Criminology, College of Behavioral and Community Science, University of South Florida, mlynch@bcs.usf.edu
  • Paul B. Stretesky, School of Public Affairs, University of Colorado, Denver, paul.stretesky@ucdenver.edu
  • Eric Levy, Commissioning Editor, Law and Legal Studies, Ashgate Publishing, elevy@ashgate.com
Publisert 14. apr. 2010 16:35 - Sist endra 14. apr. 2010 16:55