Artikler og essays søkes til nytt tidskrift om grønn kriminologi

Green Criminology and Security Studies Journal er et nytt tidskrift som nå er i ferd med å utgis av The Center for Green Criminology and Security.

Tidsskriftet er et underprosjekt av The Center for Green Criminology and Security Studies som ble etablert i slutten av 2009. På sitt eget nettsted beskriver senteret hensikten med det nye tidsskriftet, som skal være gratis og baseres på online publisering:

The Journal was established for the purpose of fostering academic study of green criminology and security studies issues in contemporary society. The goal of this online, free, peer-reviewed Journal, is to promote critical scholarly work on the areas of education, social movements, conflict, crisis, ethnicity, culture, education, tactics, strategies, domination, rights, ethics, sustainability, control, identity, experimentation, agriculture, inclusion, repression, globalization, economics, security, activism, and social justice in relation to nonhuman animal and ecological protection and environmental justice.

We are seeking research articles and essays and/or student final papers, including: course/class summaries - research notes - commentary - tactic and strategy analysis - academic development - lecture summaries - conference summaries - protest summaries - action alert summaries - film, book, art, and media reviews - interviews and dialogues - poems and other forms of expression including MP3s and youtube videos.

Publisert 8. juni 2010 13:45 - Sist endra 8. juni 2010 13:48