Bidrag søkes til boken Climate Change, Crime and Criminology

Bidragsytere søkes til den første boken som undersøker klimaendringer ut i fra en eksplisitt kriminologisk innfallsvinkel.


Kriminologer på tvers av landegrenser søkes som bidragsytere til den kommende boken "Climate Change, Crime and Criminology". Boken skal utgis på forlaget Springer US., og redaktøren for prosjektet er australske Rob White.

Beskrivelse av boken
Fundamentally life on planet earth is ever more rapidly being transformed in ways that are profound and for many of us unimaginable. This is due to global warming. Until very recently few criminologists have engaged in analysis of climate change and its consequences. This is starting to change and undoubtedly more work will be undertaken in this area in the coming years.

This book provides the first consolidated exploration of climate change from an explicitly criminological perspective. It not only explores the conventional environmental and non-environmental crimes that are linked with this particular ecological issue, but also asks the question what harm is there associated with climate change, and what can we do about it? The first substantive chapter of this book will provide an overview and description of climate change and map out some of the key concepts and issues of relevance to criminological investigation of the social and political impacts of global warming.
Bokens tema
Bidrag til boken må omhandle ett eller flere av disse temaene:

  • Climate change and social conflicts over natural resources – struggles over food, water, energy, and questions of national and international security

  • Climate change and the body – issues surrounding nutrition, the rights of the unborn, effects of reliance upon genetically modified crops, feminisation of nature (e.g., fish) due to pollutants and climate-related processes

  • Climate change and natural disasters – crime and criminality related to events such as floods, earthquakes, volcanic activity, cyclones/hurricanes that will intensify in the coming years due to climate change

  • Climate change and paradoxical harms – issues pertaining to present solutions to climate change that, in turn, generate new forms of harm (e.g., mercury content of new energy-efficient light globes)

  • Climate change and carbon emission trading – how the trading of carbon credits is linked to various kinds of crimes, including for example, fraud and the displacement of local people off their lands (e.g., as has occurred in Africa)

  • Climate change and victimisation – the ways in which climate change, and climate change policies, have implications for victimisation both at a universal level (i.e., everyone in the world is affected) and differentially (i.e., the poor and marginalised are especially vulnerable to the worst impacts of environmental change)
  • Climate change and injustice – this relates to who the key perpetrators of global warming are, and to patterns of production and consumption that illustrate the unequal relations upon which climate change has been built

  • Climate change, the law and the precautionary principle – issues relating to uncertainty and potential hazards, and the ways in which risk of harm and criminal activity might be anticipated

Les mer om bokprosjektet

Publisert 8. des. 2010 15:02 - Sist endra 2. apr. 2012 08:37