Call for papers: Nordisk antologi innen grønn og øko-global kriminologi

Hensikten med boken er å skape en tverrfaglig, engelskspråklig antologi som presenterer forskning og problemstillinger fra det nye fagfeltet øko-global kriminologi, også kjent som grønn kriminologi. Antologien skal løfte fram ulike diskusjoner, forskning og sentrale problemstillinger med originale bidrag fra forskere og fagfolk i Norden.

Antologien er en del av forskningsprosjektet Grønn kriminologi i Norden

Foto: Stock.xchange

Antologien, som blir den første av sitt slag i nordisk sammenheng, er en del av prosjektet "Grønn kriminologi i Norden" og finansieres av Nordisk samarbeidsråd for kriminologi. Her følger den engelskspråklige forespørselen om papers til antologien.

Call for papers: Nordic anthology in Green and Eco-global Criminology

The editors seek broad theoretical and/or empirical contributions relating specifically to the eco-global criminology: environmental policy, rights for humans/nature/animals, ethics, law and justice, social and ecological conflicts, globalization, protection of species and ecological systems, environmental/ecological/species justice, anthropocentrism/ecocentrism/biocentrism and other related topics. The editors encourage papers taking into account the interrelationships between particular (i.e. local) conditions/phenomena and global processes/perspectives.

Papers that include at least one of these themes are prioritized:

• Empirical studies of environmental harm, ecological crime as well as crimes against animals  and nature.
• Regulation and prevention of environmental harms effecting both humanity, nature and the biosphere.
• Conflicts about the relationship nature-culture resulting in new forms of social control and criminalization.
• NGOs/social movements and their role in influencing harms against nature.
• Speciesism, animal cruelty and species extinction.

A Nordic workshop will be organized to gather contributors to the anthology, where the author’s contributions may be presented and discussed. The workshop will be hosted in Oslo around between April-May 2011 and is funded by the Nordic Research Council for Criminology.

The concept of eco-global criminology, recently proposed by Rob White, is a further development and derivative of the more familiar term green criminology; “Eco-global criminology refers to a criminological approach that is informed by ecological considerations and by a critical analysis that is global in scale and perspective. Based on eco-justice considerations of harm, it considers transgressions against environments, non-human species and humans” (White 2009: 5-7). The term green criminology refers in a very broad sense to the study of “those harms against humanity, against  the environment and against non-human animals committed both by powerful institutions (e.g. governments, transnational corporations, military apparatuses) and also by ordinary people” (Beirne & South 2007: xiii).

The anthology which will be the first of its kind in the Nordic context is part of the project "Green criminology in the Nordic countries” and is funded by the Nordic Research Council for Criminology. The project's overriding objective is to contribute to the development of a Nordic academic network within the field of eco-global criminology. The project is organized by a project group consisting of professor Guri Larsen (NO), senior researcher Ragnhild Sollund (NO), scientific assistant Rune Ellefsen (NO) and doctoral candidate Toivo Jukkola (SE).

Submit your abstract
The deadline for submitting abstracts is 1st November 2010. Send an abstract that clearly shows the main content, perspectives, topic, themes etc. of your paper (max. 800 words). Include a short explanation of the papers` relevance to the eco-global criminology and the themes listed above (max. 200 words). Abstracts should be sent by e-mail to the editors: The abstract is the basis for the editorial selection of contributions to the anthology. Authors that have their abstracts accepted must then submit a full manuscript for further review.

Guidelines for submission of manuscript
To ensure the academic quality of the anthology, all proposals will be subject to editorial review. Only original contributions, not previously published material, will be accepted. Follow the guidelines below for submitting proposals.

Submitted articles must include:
1. English-language manuscript with short abstract. Length: between 7.000-8.000 words.
2. Short biography with information about affiliation to an institution, organization or other, and research interests (max. 100 words).
3. Three to five topics that describe the article's theme.

Deadlines and publishing
The deadline for submitting articles is 1st March 2011. Manuscripts should be submitted by e-mail to the editors: Submitted proposals will be considered before 1st March 2011 and authors will receive one of the following responses:
1. Accepted without revisions.
2. Accepted with proposed editorial revisions.
3. Must be revised and reviewed again.
4. Rejected.

The final version of the article must be completed by 1st June 2011. The book is scheduled for publication by the end of 2011.

Our aim is to publish the anthology in collaboration with the professional publishing house Ashgate Publishing. Ashgate has already expressed a strong interest in publishing the anthology as a part of their new book series in green criminology (defined as eco-global criminology above).


Publisert 13. juli 2010 15:00 - Sist endra 2. aug. 2010 13:06