Internasjonal konferanse: Sentient creatures - Transforming biopolitics and life matters

Kultrans-programmet ved Universitetet i Oslo inviterer til internasjonal konferanse og etterspør papers. Konferansens tema berører flere spørsmål som reises innen grønn kriminologi.

Tittelen på konferansen er "Sentient Creatures - Transforming biopoliticsand life matters"

Kultrans inviteter konferanse med blant annet disse temaene:

• Protecting, caring, conserving, killing, enhancing, ordering, securing, displaying, naming, modelling and reproducing – lives.
• How do we understand current and past interventions in lives and living processes?
• Are current and past attempts to politicize biology, and to biologize politics, or biopolitics, sufficient to understand who and what is at stake?
• How are practices as diverse as public health, health care, agri- and aquaculture, field and laboratory science, politics and administration changing lives and altering as those lives change?

Keynote speakers
Karen A. Rader - Virginia Commonwealth University (USA): "Domestication Revisited: Scientific Animals in the Laboratory and Beyond"

Rane Willerslev - Aarhus University (Denmark): ‘The Limits of the Human Imagination’. A Comparative Study of Anthropomorphic Thinking among Indigenous Hunters and Ethologists

John Law  - Open University, Milton Keynes (UK)

Steve Hinchliffe - University of Exeter - (UK)

Garry Marvin - Roehampton University - (UK): " 'Together, in one': That hyphen in human-animal studies"

Volker Hess - Institut für Geschichte der Medizin, Berlin (Germany): "Laudatio ranae. The history of physiology from the frog's eye view"

Gail Davies - University College London, Department of Geography (UK): "Caring for the multitude and the multiple"

Deadline for innmelding av paper var 15. mars 2010.

Les mer om konferansen


Publisert 30. juni 2010 12:24 - Sist endra 31. jan. 2011 09:39