Maja Janmyr

Bilde av Maja Janmyr
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Besøksadresse Kristian Augusts gate 17 Domus Juridica 8.etg 0164 Oslo
Postadresse Postboks 6706 St. Olavs plass 0130 Oslo

Maja Janmyr er professor i internasjonal migrasjonsrett ved Det juridiske fakultet, Universitetet i Oslo. Hennes forskning fokuserer særlig på flyktningers rettigheter og levekår i Midtøsten, og på FNs flyktningkonvensjon i land som ikke har ratifisert denne konvensjonen. Hun leder flere internasjonale forskningsprosjekt, se den engelske siden for mer informasjon om disse. Janmyr har sin doktorgrad i folkerett fra universitetet i Bergen (2012).

I 2020 ble Janmyr utnevnt til Research Associate ved Universitetet i Oxfords Refugee Studies Centre, og fra 2023 er hun også Associate Fellow ved det amerikanske universitetet i Beirut (AUB). Hun er valgt medlem av Odysseus-nettverket og tidligere medlem av Akademiet for yngre forskere. Janmyr mottok UiOs pris for yngre forskere i 2021 og har tidligere mottatt Meltzerprisen for yngre forskere i 2014, og Chr. Michelsens pris for fremragende utviklingsforskning i 2018. I 2022 holdt Janmyr Fridtjof Nansens minneforelesning ved Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi, der hun også mottok Nansenmedaljen. 

På UiO underviser Janmyr blant annet i utlendingsrett, flyktning- og asylrett og menneskerettigheter.

Se Janmyrs engelske side for mer informasjon.

Emneord: Flyktninger, Internasjonal rett, Menneskerettigheter, Migrasjon, Sosiale bevegelser, Libanon, Midtøsten, Rettssosiologi

Utvalgte publikasjoner

Peer-reviewed monographs and edited collections

Janmyr, Maja, Kazmi, Arjumand B. and Skribeland, Özlem G. (eds.) Non-Signatory States in International Refugee Law (under contract with Brill)

Janmyr, Maja. "Non-signatory States and the International Refugee Regime" in Forced Migration Review 67 (2021).

Janmyr, Maja and Knudsen, Are. "Dossier on Humanitarianism in Refugee Camps" in 7 Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development 3 (2016).

Janmyr, Maja. Protecting Civilians in Refugee Camps: Unwilling and Unable States, UNHCR and International Responsibility, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers/Brill (2014). 

Peer-reviewed journal articles

Janmyr, Maja. "‘Disturbing the Work of the Office’: The Limits of Refugee Collective Action on ‘UNHCR Territory’ in Beirut" Journal of Human Rights Practice (2024).

Janmyr, Maja and Lysa, Charlotte. "Saudi Arabia and the International Refugee Regime" International Journal of Refugee Law (2023).

Janmyr, Maja and Lysa, Charlotte. "UNHCR’s Expansion to the GCC states: Establishing a UNHCR Presence in Saudi Arabia 1987-1993" Middle East Critique (2023).

Janmyr, Maja. "Ethnographic Approaches and International Refugee Law" Journal of Refugee Studies (2022).

Janmyr, Maja. "Refugee Participation through Representative Committees: UNHCR and the Sudanese Committee in Beirut" Journal of Refugee Studies (2022).

Janmyr, Maja. "Non-signatory States and the International Refugee Regime" Forced Migration Review 67 (2021).

Janmyr, Maja. "The 1951 Refugee Convention and Non-Signatory States: Charting A Research Agenda" International Journal of Refugee Law (2021). 

Janmyr, Maja. "Sudanese refugees and the “Syrian refugee response” in Lebanon: Racialised hierarchies, processes of invisibilisation and resistance" Refugee Survey Quarterly (2021).

Janmyr, Maja and Skribeland, Özlem. "Human Rights References in Norway’s Readmission Agreements: (How) Do They Protect?" Nordic Journal of Human Rights (2020).

Janmyr, Maja and Mourad, Lama. "Modes of Ordering: Labelling, Classification and Categorization in Lebanon's Refugee Response" Journal of Refugee Studies (2018).

Janmyr, Maja. "UNHCR and the Syrian refugee response: negotiating status and registration in Lebanon" International Journal of Human Rights (2017).

Janmyr, Maja. "No Country of Asylum: 'Legitimizing' Lebanon’s Rejection of the 1951 Refugee Convention" 29 International Journal of Refugee Law 3 (2017).

Janmyr, Maja and Knudsen, Are. "Introduction: Hybrid Spaces" 7 Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development 3 (2016).

Janmyr, Maja. "Spaces of Legal Ambiguity: Refugee Camps and Humanitarian Power" 7 Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development 3 (2016).

Janmyr, Maja. "Precarity in Exile: The Legal Status of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon" 35 Refugee Survey Quarterly 4 (2016).

Janmyr, Maja. "Human Rights and Nubian Mobilisation in Egypt: towards recognition of indigeneity" Third World Quarterly (2016).

Janmyr, Maja. "Nubians in Contemporary Egypt: mobilizing return to ancestral lands" 25 Middle East Critique 2 (2016).

Janmyr, Maja. "The Effectiveness of Norway's Readmission Agreements with Iraq and Ethiopia" International Migration (2015).

Janmyr, Maja. "Att återvända till fäderneslandet - hur den nubiska drömmen kan bli en rättighet i det nya Egypten" Babylon: Nordic Journal of Middle East Studies 1-2 (2015). 

Janmyr, Maja. "Norway's Readmission Agreements: Spellbound by European Union Policies or Free Spirits on the International Field?” 16 European Journal of Migration and Law 2 (2014). 

Janmyr, Maja. "Recruiting Internally Displaced Persons into Civil Militias: the Case of Northern Uganda" 32 Nordic Journal of Human Rights 3 (2014). 

Janmyr, Maja. "Attributing Wrongful Conduct of Implementing Partners to UNHCR: International Responsibility and Human Rights Violations in Refugee Camps" 5 Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies 1 (2014).

Peer-reviewed book chapters

Janmyr, Maja. "Lebanon and the Establishment of International Refugee Law" in Fakhoury, Tamirace and Chatty, Dawn, Refugee Governance in the Arab World: The International Refugee Regime and Global Politics. Bloomsbury (forthcoming 2024).

Janmyr, Maja. "Refugees, Peacemaking and Durable Solutions to Displacement" in Wanis-St. John A. & MacGinty R., Contemporary Peacemaking: Peace Processes, Peacebuilding and Conflict. Palgrave: Macmillan (2021).

Janmyr, Maja and Stevens, Dallal. "Regional Refugee Regimes: Middle East" in Costello C., Foster M. & McAdam J., Oxford Handbook of International Refugee Law. Oxford University Press (2021).

Janmyr, Maja. "Indigeneity vs Development: Nubian rights mobilisation in Egypt" in Corradi G., De Feyter K., Desmet E. & Vanhees K., Critical indigenous rights studies: New directions in indigenous rights research. Routledge (2018).

Janmyr, Maja. "Military Recruitment of Sudanese Refugee Men in Uganda: a Tale of National Patronage and International Failure" in Buckley-Zistel S. & Krause U., Gender, Violence, Refugees. Berghahn Books (2017). 

Janmyr, Maja. "Advancing UNHCR Accountability through the Law of International Responsibility" in Sandvik K. & Jacobsen K., UNHCR and the Struggle for Accountability: Technology, Law and Results-Based Management. Routledge (2016).

Janmyr, Maja. “Refugees and Peace” in Bailliet C. & Larsen K.M., Promoting Peace through International Law. Oxford University Press (2015).

Janmyr, Maja. “Revisiting the Civilian and Humanitarian Character of Refugee Camps" in Durieux J.F. & Cantor D., Refuge from Inhumanity: war refugees and international humanitarian law. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers (Brill)(2014).

Publisert 8. jan. 2018 12:26 - Sist endret 8. juli 2024 14:44
