Inger Johanne Sand

Professor emerita
Image of Inger Johanne Sand
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Visiting address Domus Bibliotheca Karl Johans gate 47
Postal address Inst. for offentlig rett PB 6706 St. Olavs plass 0130 OSLO


Cand.jur. 1981. Dr.juris. 1994 on the dissertation "Styring av kompleksitet. Rettslige former for statlig rammestyring og desentralisert statsforvaltning" ("Governing complexity. Legal forms of centralised and decentralised public administration.") (Published 1996). Professor in public Law, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo, 2002 - . Head of departement Ministry of Finance 1985-86. Affiliated with research programs under the Norwegian Research Council: - LOS-programmet (Leadership, organisation og governing), 1988-1996, (member of the board 1993-96.), - ARENA (Advanced Research on the Europeanisation of the Nation-state) 1993-2002 (member of the board 1993-95, full time researcher 1996-97). Visiting fellow at the European University Institute spring term 2001. Member of several governmental commissions, head of commisssion on the use of state corporations for services of general interest, 2003). Member of Regional committee on ethics for medical research (eastern region), 2001- 2005. Guest professor Copenhagen Business School, 2005-2007. Dean of Research, Faculty of Law, UiO, 2008-2011. Deputy Head of Department, Institute of Public and International Law, UiO, 2014-2017, Head of Department, 2018 - . Honorary doctorate Turku University, 2011, Gothenborg University, 2015, University of Copenhagen, 2018.   

Research interests

Multidisiciplinary research in general public law and in certain specific fields, cfr. below, covering several crossboundary themes in administrative and constitutional law, EU-law, environmental law, legal sociology og legal theory. Doctoral dissertation on administrative and organisational legal reform in public administration 1985-94. Changes are discussed in relation to long term trajectories exemplified by the concepts rule-of-law, planning and welfare state and network state, in relation to theories on procedural and reflexive Law, and theories of inter- and transnational and societal constitutional law. Post-doctoral research has included the following areas:

1) The further development of public and state organisational models with a specific interest in the use of state corporations and foundations attached to public and state administration particularly in relation to organization of services of general economic interest. The development of forms of public and regulatory law, particularly concerning procedural, discretionary, selfregulatory and reflexive Law. Public and regulatory law has been developped particularly in the fields of environmental, biotech and Health Law.

2)EEA- and EU-law with a specific focus on the relationship between trade and the protection of health and the environment, and on competition law, state subsidies and services of general economic interest. The treaty and constitutional development of the EU and between the EU and the EEA and their member states.

3) The development of an increasingly comprehensive public international law as well as an increasing network of transnational law, both including areas such as trade law, environmental law, human rights, penal law and an international constitutional law. This includes the study of new concepts such as inter- and transnational governance and constitutionalism and the increasing relevance of private actors in international governance.

4) Environmental law with a focus on the regulation of bio- and genetic techologies, including the devolpment of the precautionary principle and the relationship between trade and protection of health and the environment internationally. The regulation of biotechnology and Genetic testing in Health Law. 

5) Legal theory studies with an emphasis on modern and current legal theories (such as Niklas Luhmann, Gunther Teubner, Jürgen Habermas, Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida and the directions of ciritical legal theory in the Nordic countries, Europe and the US). Legal theories are also applied in contexta with some of the emerging and current changes in the legal regimes mentioned above. That is: - the increasing Europeanisation and internationalisation of law, - the regulation of bio- and genetic technologies, - competition and trade law and environmental protection/services of general economic interest, - changes in the preconditions of democratic government as well as changes in the relations between public and private spheres, - questions of legitimacy arising from the changes referred to above. 

International cooperation: - Project on "Transnational governance and Constitutionalism" at European University Institute, Florence; - Changes in the forms of public administration and legal regulation, in cooperation with researchers at Copenhagen Business School (institute of management, politics and philosophy); - Legal and Socio-legal theory Networks among colleagues in Copenhagen, Lund, Helsinki, Gothenborg, Turku, Århus, London; - Member of Committee on Biotechnology of the International Law Association.

Some publications are on the ARENAs web site. (Workingpapers: no.8, 18 and 29/1997, no.14/2000, no.4/2002
See also: articles in European Law Journal, no.3, vol.4, 1998, Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie, Bd.22, H.2, 2001; and in "Transnational Governance and Constitutionalism", eds. Joerges, Sand, Teubner, Oxford: Hart, 2004.


  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2023). What is the Function of Welfare Law Today? Consequences of the Work-Line Policy. In Nielsen, Stine Piilgaard Porner & Hammerslev, Ole (Ed.), Transformations of European Welfare States and Social Rights. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-3-031-46636-6. p. 41–58.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne & Befring, Anne Kjersti Cecelia (2020). Noen oppsummerende vurderinger. In Befring, Anne Kjersti Cecelia & Sand, Inger Johanne (Ed.), Kunstig intelligens og big data i helsesektoren Rettslige perspektiver. Gyldendal Juridisk. ISSN 9788205531963. p. 636–645.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne & Befring, Anne Kjersti Cecelia (2020). Kunstig intelligens og big data i helsesektoren. In Befring, Anne Kjersti Cecelia & Sand, Inger Johanne (Ed.), Kunstig intelligens og big data i helsesektoren Rettslige perspektiver. Gyldendal Juridisk. ISSN 9788205531963. p. 24–49.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2020). Organiseringen av helsetjenester og helseforskning sett i lys av digitalisering, bruk av biologiske og genetiske data og pasient- og brukerrettigheter. In Befring, Anne Kjersti Cecelia & Sand, Inger Johanne (Ed.), Kunstig intelligens og big data i helsesektoren Rettslige perspektiver. Gyldendal Juridisk. ISSN 9788205531963. p. 580–613.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2020). Uavhengighet og sektortilknytning i vitenskapelig rådgivning til departementer og regjering. In Havelin, Gro (Eds.), Det norske Videnskaps-akademi Årbok 2019. Novus Forlag. ISSN 978-82-7099-925-5.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2020). The Council of Europe and Pan-European General Principles of Good Administration - the Influence on the Administrative Law of Norway, Good Administration and the Council of Europe Law, Principles, and Effectiveness. Oxford University Press. ISSN 9780198861539. Full text in Research Archive
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2019). Nord-Norge, nordområdene og konstitusjonen. In Haugli, Trude; Gerrard, Siri; Hellum, Anne & Svensson, Eva-Maria (Ed.), Dette brenner jeg for: Festskrift til Hege Brækhus 70 år. Fagbokforlaget. ISSN 978-82-450-3312-0. p. 377–395.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2019). Rettslig pluralisme og polysentri i norsk rettsvitenskapelig metode. In Høgberg, Alf Petter & Sunde, Jørn Øyrehagen (Ed.), Juridisk metode og tenkemåte. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 9788215028354. p. 683–701.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2019). Den unge Marx og arbeidet som et kritisk begrep. In Eriksen, Christoffer Conrad (Eds.), Den unge Marx: Rett, samfunn og vitenskapsteori. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISSN 9788202588076. p. 257–276.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2018). Rettssosiologiens plass i dagens rettsvitenskap, Festskrift till Håkan Hydén. Juristförlaget, Lund. ISSN 978-91-544-0575-6. p. 537–551.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2018). Varieties of Authority in International Law – State Consent, International Organisations, Courts, Experts and Citizens . In Capps, Patrick & Palmer Olsen, Henrik (Ed.), Legal authority beyond the state. Cambridge University Press. ISSN 9781107190269. p. 161–187. doi: https:/
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2017). The Interaction of Society, Politics and Law: The Legal and Communicative Theories of Habermas, Luhmann and Teubner. In Thornhill, Christopher (Eds.), Luhmann and Law. Routledge. ISSN 9781472455598.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2017). Environmental Law In The Age Of The Anthropocene: How To Normatively Communicate On Environmental Change And Risks? In Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, Andreas & Brooks, Victoria (Ed.), Research Methods in Environmental Law. A Handbook. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISSN 978 1 78471 256 3. p. 396–415. doi: 10.4337/9781784712570.00024.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2017). Kan retten bidra til å ivareta samfunnet - mellom liberale rettigheter, internasjonale markeder og statlige konstitusjoner? In Hartlev, Mette; Jørgensen, Stine; Aune, Helga & Hellum, Anne (Ed.), Ketsch me if you can. Sociale rettigheder og ligestilling. Karnov Group Norway AS. ISSN 978-87-619-3854-1. p. 239–249.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2016). Demokratiske konstitusjoner, sosiale rettigheter og kunnskapssamfunn. In Førde, Reidun; Kjelland, Morten & Stridbeck, Ulf (Ed.), Cand.mag.,, cand.jur., cand.alt Festskrift til Aslak Syse. Gyldendal Juridisk. ISSN 978-82-05-49372-8. p. 385–398.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2016). Konstitusjonelle dilemma: mellom kontinuitet og forandring, og mellom demokrati, europeisering og internasjonalisering. In Bugge, Hans Christian; Indreberg, Hilde; Syse, Aslak & Tverberg, Arnulf (Ed.), Lov, liv og lære. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 978-82-15-02446-2. p. 431–445.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2015). Rettsstat, demokrati og kompleksitet. In Johannessen, Stig O. & Glomseth, Rune (Ed.), Politiledelse. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISSN 9788205480179. p. 109–128.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2014). The Norwegian Constitution and its Multiple Codes: Expressions of Political and Legal Change. In Gammelgaard, Karen & Holmøyvik, Eirik (Ed.), Writing Democracy. The Norwegian Constitution 1814 - 2014. Berghahn Books. ISSN 978-1-78238-504-2. p. 136–150.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2013). European Legal Method: - a New Teleology, Law-in-Context, a New Legal Realism or Hybrid Law? In Nielsen, Ruth & Neergaard, Ulla (Ed.), European Legal Method. DJØF Forlag. ISSN 9788757431254. p. 211–237.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2013). Globalization and the Transcendence of the Public/Private Divide - What is Public Law under Conditions of Globalization? In Mac Amlaigh, Cormac; Michelon, Claudio & Walker, Neil (Ed.), After Public Law. Oxford University Press. ISSN 9780199669318. p. 201–217. doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199669318.003.0010. Full text in Research Archive
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2013). Hva er rettens og den rettslige metodes utfordringer og kvaliteter - i rettsstaten, velferdsstaten og risikosamfunnet? In Søvig, Karl Harald; Schutz, Sigrid Eskeland & Rasmussen, Ørnulf (Ed.), Undring og erkjennelse. Festskrift til Jan Fridthjof Bernt 70 år. Fagbokforlaget. ISSN 978-82-450-1253-8. p. 573–583.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2012). Rettssosiologisk teori i komplekse samfunn: Hva slags teori har vi behov for? Kritisk juss. ISSN 0804-7375. 38(3-4), p. 181–203.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2012). International law between global trade, human rights, new technologies and ethics - a reflection on different legal cultures, Pro Natura : Festskrift til Hans Christian Bugge på 70-årsdagen 2012. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 978-82-15-01953-6. p. 420–437.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2012). Hybridization, change and the expansion of law. In Sand, Inger Johanne & Andersen, Niels Åkerstrøm (Ed.), Hybrid forms of governance : self-suspension of power. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-0-230-34801-1. p. 186–204. doi: 10.1057/9780230363007.0016.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2011). Niklas Luhmann´s Theories of Law in the Twenty-first Century. In Papendorf, Knut-Erich; Machura, Stefan & Andenæs, Kristian (Ed.), Understanding Law in Society. Developments in Socio-legal Studies. (Society and Law. Volume 7). LIT Verlag. ISSN 978-3-643-90072-2. p. 109–119.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2011). A Comment on Kjær. The Concept of the Political in the Concept of Constitutionalism. In Joerges, Christian (Eds.), After Globalisation. New Patterns of Conflict and their Sociological and Legal Re-constructions. ARENA report. ISSN 9788293137320. p. 323–332.

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  • Befring, Anne Kjersti Cecelia & Sand, Inger Johanne (2020). Kunstig intelligens og big data i helsesektoren, rettslige perspektiver. Gyldendal Norsk Forlag A/S. ISBN 9788205531963. 649 p.
  • Befring, Anne Kjersti Cecelia & Sand, Inger Johanne (2020). Kunstig intelligens og big data i helsesektoren Rettslige perspektiver. Gyldendal Juridisk. ISBN 9788205531963. 656 p.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2017). Rett, samfunn og legitimitet. Universitetsforlaget. ISBN 978-82-15-02744-9. 190 p.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne & Andersen, Niels Åkerstrøm (2012). Hybrid forms of governance : self-suspension of power. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-0-230-34801-1. 239 p.

View all works in Cristin

  • Kjørven, Marte Eidsand; Leirvåg, Edvin Tengs; Jensen, Marte Vidnes; Åsrum, Trude; Lauten, Marie & Frigland, Victoria Hovig [Show all 12 contributors for this article] (2023). eID i offentlig forvaltning - sårbarhet, risiko og løsninger.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2023). Lovkommentar til statsforetaksloven. Karnov lovkommentarer.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2023). Statsborger og medborger i digital velferdsstat.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2022). Comments to the film 'Judges under Pressure'.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2022). New constitutional questions and the complexity of environmental regulation.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2022). Nordic Interdisciplinarity in legal science: The relevance of modern legal theory and norm theory confronted by current challenges for law. Retfærd. Nordisk Juridisk Tidsskrift. ISSN 0105-1121. 45(3), p. 67–81.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2022). The regulation of the Covid-19 pandemic – a case of communicative and governance differentiation .
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2022). 22.juli: rettsstat, velferdsstat og risikosamfunn Metodiske utfordringer. Hvordan forsker vi? .
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2021). Properties of Law – Comments to the book by Kaarlo Tuori .
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2021). Velferdsstatens språk i møte med katastrofer.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2021). Rettsstatens og velferdsstatens språk i møtet med katastrofer: Hvordan snakker vi om 22.juli – faktisk og rettslig ? .
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2021). Challenges to the legal regulation of health services and protection under the Covid-19. Nordic comparison. .
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2021). A Certain Brand of Legal Realism - the Evolution of Modern Law in Norway.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2020). Dimensions of legal autonomy - Niklas Luhmanns Concept of Law.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2020). Det nordiske sivilsamfunnet: Frihetsrettigheter, sosiale bevegelser og kunnskapssamfunnet.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2019). Modeller for Science Advice i Norge.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2019). Nord-Norge og konstitusjonen.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2019). Hvordan organisere helsetjenestene i digitaliseringens og menneskerettighetenes tid.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2018). New Constitutional questions: who protects democracy, the environment and our own biological data, and who regulates the internet? .
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2018). Environmental Law in the Age of the Anthropocene.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2018). Rettslig metode og rettslig pluralisme.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2018). Hvordan organisere helse i digitaliseringens og menneskerettighetenes tidsalder?
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2018). Hva er den moderne retten? Rettens funksjon og grenser. .
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2017). Hva er forskjellen på rettshistorisk og rettssosiologisk metode?
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2017). Rettslige og etiske perspektiver på autonome våpensystemer.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2017). The lack of self-reflection of democratic constitutional states under conditions of globalization - the Nordic model.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2017). The Varieties of Legal Authority in International Law.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2017). Marx og arbeidsbegrepet.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2016). Akademisk frihet og den akademiske publiseringen Universitetenes grunnleggende verdier .
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2016). Kommentar til Retten og krisene.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2016). Marx, politisk økonomi og kritikk-begrepet.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2016). The lack of democratic self-reflection under conditions of globalization – in legal and political communication.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2016). Comments to Hauke Brunkhorst: Democracy Against Capitalism.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2016). Constitutionalism and Nordic exceptionalism Norway and its adaptations to international and European law .
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2016). The lack of self-reflection of democratic constitutional states under conditions of globalization – the case of Scandinavia.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2015). Rettsstat, demokrati og kompleksitet Ledelse og styring av politiet i en mer differensiert stat .
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2015). Law as part of societal change – Challenges to legal science.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2015). Challenges to the Evolution of Public Law at the Intersection between Domestic, European and International Law,
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2015). The self-reflection of democratic constitutional states under conditions of globalization – the case of Norden.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2014). Expansion and diversity of international law: A sociological view on the changing functions of international law.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2014). Internasjonalisering av konstitusjoner. [Radio]. Verdibørsen, P2, NRK.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2014). What form of democracy is possible in today’s Europe? What form of Democracy is possible in today's Europe? Integration through law, economic constitutionalism and the new modes of governance. The OMT controversy in context.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2014). Kommentar til "Folkestyrets varige spenninger" av Johan P. Olsen.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2014). Eidsvoll-grunnloven – en forfatning i tiden Hva er, og hva betyr konstitusjoner : Konstitusjonell forandring i 1814, 1992 og i 2014.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2014). Multi-level legal orders: Changing the function of constitutions and the context of the rights of citizens.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2014). Comments to Hauke Brunkhorst «Law and Revolution in Cosmopolitan age»,
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2014). Hva er Grunnlovens og konstitusjonens funksjoner og utfordringer i dag? Hvordan skal den balansere mellom kontinuitet eller aktualitet?
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2014). Grunnloven som tid, makt og normativitet - i globaliseringens tid. Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift. ISSN 0800-336X. 31(1), p. 70–74.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2013). "Hvordan forske på Grunnloven? Tid, makt og normativitet".
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2013). "Machiavelli revisited: The position of constitutional law to problems of global cooperation. What is good and global governance today?".
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2013). Law, regimes of temporality and challenges of risk society.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2013). The unavoidable role of crisis in international law – a legal-sociological perspective.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2013). Forfatning og unntakstilstand - i rettsstat, kunnskapssamfunn og globale risikosamfunn. In Michalsen, Dag (Eds.), Unntakstilstand og forfatning: Brudd og kontinuitet i konstitusjonell rett. Pax Forlag. ISSN 978-82-530-3634-2. p. 402–426.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2013). Nyere tysk retssociologi: refleksiv ret, vidensamfunn og globalisering. In Hammerslev, Ole & Madsen, Mikael Rask (Ed.), Retssociologi - klassiske og moderne perspektiver. Hans Reitzels Forlag. ISSN 9788741256344. p. 463–487.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2012). European legal method: - a new teleology, law-in-context, a new legal realism or hybrid law?
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2012). The qualities of a rule-of-law court system when confronted with complex and political cases.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2012). The many codes of constitutions and their relevance to the current crisis.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2012). Justice and security in the 21st century: Risks, rights and rule-of-law.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2012). "What can the Law do in a changing Society".
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2011). International Constitutionalism.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2011). A Comment to The Future of Integration through Law – in conflicts-law perspectives.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2011). International law between a global economy, risk society and ethics - a new dynamics of law.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2011). The Multiple codes of a Constitution.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2011). Nordisk, europeisk og internasjonal rett - Hvilket samfunn skal den offentlige retten regulere for?
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2011). Globalization and the transcendence of the public/private divide – What is public law under conditions of globalization.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2011). Negotiating and Redefining the boundaries between constitutions, sovereignty, transnational and international law - new normative patterns in legal and political institutions.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2011). A typical European Way of looking at politics. A comment to J.P.Olsen "Governing through Instituion Building".
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2010). Comment to Self-subversive Justice.
  • Græger, Nina; Austvik, Ole Gunnar; Holst, Cathrine; Mehlum, Halvor; Sand, Inger Johanne & Steinnes, Kristian (2012). Europa i endring - fase 2: 2013-17: Faglig og tematisk grunnlag. Norges forskningsråd.
  • Austvik, Ole Gunnar; Græger, Nina; Holst, Cathrine; Mehlum, Halvor; Sand, Inger Johanne & Steinnes, Kristian (2012). Europa i endring - fase 2: 2013-17. Faglig og tematisk grunnlag. Norges forskningsråd.

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Published Apr. 21, 2008 10:18 AM - Last modified Jan. 11, 2023 7:39 AM