Magnus Esmark

Postdoctoral Fellow
Image of Magnus  Esmark
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Visiting address Kristian Augusts gate 17 Domus Juridica 7.etg 0164 OSLO
Postal address Postboks 6706 St. Olavs plass 0130 Oslo

I work with national reception and production of EU law in the area between legal sociology, legal history and doctrinal law. In my postdoctoral project, I look at the history of EEA law in Norway and how different groups of jurists have influenced the development and creation of EEA law as we know it today. I work from a conflict-oriented perspective, where the struggles of different groups of jurists over social status and access to authoritatively determine applicable law is the starting point for understanding why the law is as it is.

In recent years, as part of the project Beyond European Legal Integration, I have co-organized a number of conferences in Oslo on the history of EU law within Member States. I am involved in editing a theme issue for European Law Open in extension of these, with expected publication in 2025 .

In my doctoral thesis, I undertook a comprehensive historical-sociological study of the reception of EU law in Denmark over half a century. I argue that Danish jurists' understanding of EU law has had relatively little to do with the EU's own narrative about constitutionalization and integration, but has rather been shaped by existing national power struggles between different groups of jurists. Theoretically, the thesis builds on the recent development of a post-Bourdieuian legal sociology of the European legal field, and develops this by applying a similar way of thinking to a national context.

I have previously worked with quantitative studies of the way the European Court of Human Rights refers to its own practice, and have published in Nordic and European journals on this topic.

I teach JUS3220 Legal History, JUS4122 Legal Sociology and HUMR5191 Human Rights Methodology: Research, Analysis and Thesis Preparation. I supervise master's theses in legal history, legal sociology and EU/EEA law.

At the University of Oslo, I participate in the research groups Law, society and historical change, Sociology of Law and the Research Group for International Law. I am also associated with the EURNOR project.

I hold a law degree (cand.jur/LL.M.) from the University of Copenhagen (2019) and a Ph.D. in law from the same place (2022). My postdoctoral position at the University of Oslo runs from 2023 to 2027. I am also employed as an associate professor at the Norway Inland University of Applied Sciences, currently in a 20% position while I am a postdoctoral fellow in Oslo. In addition, I am a Global Research Fellow at iCourts - Center of Excellence for International Courts at the Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen.

Tags: Legal History, Sociology of Law, EEA law, European Law


  • Esmark, Magnus; Olsen, Henrik Palmer; Byrne, William Hamilton & Larsen, Matthias Smed (2022). Adjudicating national contexts – Domestic particularity in the practices of the European Court of Human Rights? German Law Journal. ISSN 2071-8322. 23(4), p. 465–492. doi: 10.1017/glj.2022.29.
  • Christensen, Martin Lolle; Esmark, Magnus & Olsen, Henrik Palmer (2021). Kapitel 7: Uoverskuelige mængder ret, De juridiske metoder – ti bud. Hans Reitzels Forlag. ISSN 9788741275093. p. 159–188.
  • Esmark, Magnus (2020). "Le droit communautaire – c’est moi !": Statsmonopol, national ret og euro-integrationisme i tiden efter Danmarks indtræden i EF. Praktiske grunde. Nordisk tidsskrift for kultur- og samfundsvidenskab. ISSN 1902-2271. p. 23–42. Full text in Research Archive
  • Esmark, Magnus & Olsen, Henrik Palmer (2020). Needles in a haystack: Using network analysis to identify cases that are cited for general principles of law by the European Court of Human Rights. In Whalen, Ryan (Eds.), Computational Legal Studies - The Promise and Challenge of Data-Driven Research. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISSN 978 1 78897 744 9. p. 293–311.
  • Esmark, Magnus & Olsen, Henrik Palmer (2018). Datalogisk retsforskning: Kan algoritmer finde juridisk centrale domme afsagt af EMD? Retfærd. Nordisk Juridisk Tidsskrift. ISSN 0105-1121. p. 61–80.
  • Esmark, Magnus (2017). Andelsboligsektoren har brug for en time-out. Retskraft – Copenhagen Journal of Legal Studies. ISSN 2596-4097. 1(1), p. 47–68. Full text in Research Archive

View all works in Cristin

  • Esmark, Magnus (2024). Read the room – thinking legal error as meaningful social action through allodoxia.
  • Esmark, Magnus (2024). Read the room – thinking legal error as meaningful social action through allodoxia.
  • Esmark, Magnus (2023). Danish, Nordic, and European law from conference archives to “the law”.
  • Esmark, Magnus (2023). Allodoxia i national Europaret – hvordan kan vi forstå juridiske misforståelser?
  • Esmark, Magnus (2023). Allodoxia in national European law: Symbolic misperceptions and the petty bourgeoisie of European integration.
  • Esmark, Magnus (2023). The triangular relationship between Danish, Nordic and European law.
  • Esmark, Magnus (2023). Forholdet mellem dansk, nordisk og europæisk ret.
  • Esmark, Magnus (2023). Invited discussant.
  • Esmark, Magnus (2022). Without Verona Walls. Danish European Union Law 1973 – 2020. Københavns Universitet.

View all works in Cristin

Published Dec. 7, 2021 11:34 AM - Last modified June 28, 2024 12:43 PM