Legal Norms - ensuring the right to education

Conference on Education Law, Oslo 26 and 27 April 2012

University of Oslo, Faculty of Law

See program (pdf)

Venue: Room 770 Domus Nova, St. Olavs plass 5, 0130 Oslo

Hotel: Clarion Collection Hotel Savoy, Universitetsgaten 11, 0164 Oslo Phone: +47 23 35 42 00 / E-mail:


DAY 1 Thursday 26 April 2012

09.30 Registration and Coffee

10.00 Welcome

  • Postdoctor Helga Aune, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo, Norway
  • Professor Jorunn Møller, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Oslo, Norway


Session 1 - The right to education

10.15 The Fundamental Right to Education – U.S.A.s Constitutional Rights
Content of right(s) and legal norms/standards ensuring the rights

  • Professor William Koski, Faculty of Law, Stanford University, U.S.A.

11.00 Discussion

11.45 Coffee

12.00 The Right to Education – Human Rights, EU and national legislation – Legal Norms at interplay in a plural cultural and gendered reality

  • Postdoctor Helga Aune, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo, Norway

12.40 Discussion

13.00 - 14.00 Lunch at Scandic Edderkoppen


Session 2 - Overarching Values and Basic Principles - Norms and legal standards as a tool for steering

14.00 Values -  A broader set of values for Norwegian schools – what are the new consequences?

  • Prorector and Associate Professor Inga Bostad, University of Oslo, Norway

14.30 The Principle of non-discrimination

Speaker 1 (20 min.): Education, the market and the right to non-discrimination

  • Associate Professor Stine Jørgensen, The Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Speaker 2 (20 min.): The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child and the right to education

  • Professor Kirsten Sandberg, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo, Norway

Discussion (30 min.)

  • Chair Professor Kirsten Ketscher, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

15.40 – 16.00 Refreshments

16.00 Speaker 1 (40 min.): Legal norms and social norms at the interface of different socio-cultures

  • Professor Per Wickenberg, Department of Sociology of Law, Lund University, Sweden

Discussion (20 min.)

  • Chair Postdoctor Helga Aune, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo

17.00 Conclusion

19.00 Dinner at Onda restaurant (Aker brygge, Stranden 30, 0250 Oslo)

DAY 2  Friday 27 April 2012

08.45 Morning Coffee and Welcome


Session 1 - Ensuring the right to education

09.00 Speaker 1 (40 min.): Trajectories of national school inspection: between norms and rights

  • Associate Professor Kirsten Sivesind, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Oslo, Norway

Discussion (20 min.)

  • Chair Professor Jorunn Møller, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Oslo, Norway

10.00 Speaker 2 (40 min.): Getting the right: litigation or administrative complaint system or both?

  • Professor William Koski (20 min), Faculty of Law, Stanford University, U.S.A
  • PhD student Trond Welstad and PhD Hadi Lile (20 min), Faculty of Law, University of Oslo, Norway


  • Chair Professor Olof Johansson, School Leadership Development, Umeå University, Sweden

11.30 Lunch (in the meeting room)


Session 2 - Future perspectives on education law

12.30 Around the table - current status and future perspective on legal research on education law/sociology of law as well as perspectives from the sciences of education

  • Chair Professor Kristian Andenæs, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo, Norway

14.00 Conclusion

  • Professor Jorunn Møller
  • Postdoctor Helga Aune
Published Apr. 16, 2012 9:04 PM - Last modified June 13, 2014 11:49 AM