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Previous events - Page 5

Time and place: , Gamle festsal, 1. eg. Urbygningen

Cand.jur Ragnar Nordeide will be defending the thesis “The Interaction between the European convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and other International Law. What role for a purposive conception of the ECHR?” for the degree of Ph.D.  

Time and place: , Kjerka, Domus Media (Karl Johans gate 47)

Calling all early-career attendees of ESIL-2015 in Oslo! You are invited to a junior and senior scholar/practitioner mixer. Registration for the event is now closed.

Time and place: , Auditorium 4, Domus Academica

The Department of Public and International Law and the Georgian-Norwegian Rule of Law Association invite to a seminar on Georgian and Norwegian law. Main presenters are doctoral researchers Giorgi Giorgadze and Teimuraz Antelava.

Time and place: , Gamle festsal, floor Urbygningen

Nino Tsereteli will be defending the thesis Legal Validity and Legitimacy of the Pilot Judgment Procedure of the European Court of Human Rights for the degree of Ph.D.

Time and place: , Eckhoffs hjørnerom, DB

Guestlecture With Professor Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, Westminster University.

Time and place: , Gamle festsal, 1. etg. Urbygningen

Cand. jur Maria Astrup Hjort will be defending her thesis: "Access to evidence in civil proceedings. Particularly on digital evidence" for the degree of Ph.D.

Time and place: , Lødrupkjelleren, DM

Professor Christian Joerges, Hertha School of Government (Berlin), and Maurice Glasman, member of House of Lords and London Metropolitan University, will each give short opposing lectures on European Economic Politics, followed by a discussion.

Time and place: , Kjerka, Domus Media, Faculty of Law, Karl Johans gate 47, Oslo

Professor Christopher Hodges, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford will give a guest lecture in Kjerka 23 April on the topic of regulating corporate behaviour.

Time and place: , Theologisk eksamenssal, Domus Academica
Time and place: , Auditorium 4, Urbygningen

Froukje Maria Platjouw at the Departement of Public and International Law will be defending her thesis: Environmental Law & The Ecosystem Approach The Need for Consistency and Coherence in Environmental Law for the Maintenance of Ecosystem Integrity for the degree of Ph.D.

Time and place: , Eckhoffs Hjørne, 2. etg. DB

The seminar "The Interaction of EU Competences within Environmental and Energy Policies" will take place on March 11th and deal with the theory, methods and function of public Law

Time and place: , Edinburgh

On January 21 2015, six partner universities are launching a European Joint Doctorate Programme in Law and Development – EDOLAD. The launch is followed by a two day Conference on “Engaging with Law and Development: Perspectives on Land”.

Time and place: , Theologisk eksamenssal, Domus Academica

An “open government” is one with high levels of transparency and mechanisms for public scrutiny and oversight, all contributing ultimately to governmental accountability and better democracy.

Time and place: , The House of Literature (Litteraturhuset), Oslo

The Department of Public and International Law at the University of Oslo invite you to participate at the conference "Sexual Freedom, Equality and the Right to Gender Identity as a Site of Legal and Political Struggles".

Go to the Conference pages.

Time and place: , Large Meeting Room, top floor of Domus Bibliotheca, Faculty of Law

The Norwegian Association for Legal Philosophy (Norsk Forening for Rettsfilosofi), invites to an open meeting. Professor Tara Smith of the University of Texas will make a presentation about the Rule of Law; why it is important, why it is threatened, and why it cannot be value-neutral.

Associate Professor Tarjei Bekkedal will comment.

Time and place: , Domus Bibliotheca, Seminar room 325/6, 3rd floor, Karl Johans gate 47.

Henry J. (Hank) Steadman is internationally known for his research in the areas of interfacing behavioural health and criminal justice systems and violence among people with mental disorders.

Time and place: , Lysebu, Oslo

The last seminar of the project "The transformation of international Law and Norwegian Sovereignty in 1814", led by professors Ola Mestad and Dag Michalsen (both University of Oslo), will take place on the 3.-4. October in Oslo.

Time and place: , Rettshistorisk samling, Domus Bibliotheca

Associate professor Atle L. Wold (ILOS, UiO) will present the topic: "Defending the British Constitution:The Scottish debate on constitutional reform and the French Revolution in the 1790s"

Time and place: , Center for Advances studies (CAS)

Mag. Dr. Karin Schneider, from University of Innsbruck, will present the Congress of Achen and it's role in the international law.


Time and place: , Center for Advances Studies (CAS)

Professor of Legal History, Aniceto Masferrer, (University of Valencia) will present the principles of national sovereignity in Spain around 1800, taking the Constitution of Cádiz as an example.

Time and place: , Lysebu

This conference is a part of "The transformation of international law and Norwegian sovereignty in 1814", a research project at the Center for Advanced Study at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.

Time and place: , Center for Advances studies (CAS)

Dr. Elisabetta Fiocchi Malaspina, from the University of Genoa, will present the Swiss philosopher Emer de Vattel and his impact on the international law.   

Time and place: , Sitzungszimmer 2.floor, Juridicum, Vienna

As part of the CAS-visit to Vienna we invite to the following seminar in cooperation with the University of Vienna.

Time and place: , “Kjelleren” at Litteraturhuset

A draft declaration on the right of peoples to peace has been prepared by an UN Human Rights Council appointed Advisory Board.

The seminar will address this draft declaration which focuses on standards relating to international peace and security as core standards (elements of negative peace, absence of violence), and includes standards in the areas of peace education, development, the environment, and victims and vulnerable groups as elements of a positive peace.