The Right to Peace

A draft declaration on the right of peoples to peace has been prepared by an UN Human Rights Council appointed Advisory Board.

The seminar will address this draft declaration which focuses on standards relating to international peace and security as core standards (elements of negative peace, absence of violence), and includes standards in the areas of peace education, development, the environment, and victims and vulnerable groups as elements of a positive peace.

Illustration photo:

Seminar programme

  • 09:00 Welcome
    Nils A. Butenschøn, Director, the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights
  • 09:10 International efforts to codify the right to peace
    Wolfgang Heinz, Rapporteur of the Human Rights Council’s Advisory Committee’s Drafting Group on the Right of to Peace
  • 09:40 The right to peace: A philosopher’s perspective.
    Kristoffer Lidén, Researcher, the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)
  • 10:00 The UN Human Rights Council’s Draft Declaration on the Right to Peace: Strengths and Weaknesses.
    Cornelis Flinterman, Former Director of the Netherlands Institute of Human Rights (Utrecht University), Honorary Professor of Human Rights at the Utrecht and Maastricht Universities and member of the UN Human Rights Committee
  • 10:30 Short break
  • 10:45 Four areas of concern: Short presentations and Q&A:


Kjetil Mujezinović Larsen, Associate Professor, the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights


  1. The relationship to the UN Charter.
    Christian Guillermet,
    Deputy Permanent Representative of Costa Rica to the  United Nations in Geneva
  2. The relationship to existing human rights treaties.
    Luca Lupoli
    , representative of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for  Human Rights
  3. The relationship to the law of armed conflict.
    Juan Antonio Quintanilla,
    First Secretary of the Permanent Mission of Cuba to  the United Nations in Geneva
  4. Impact and implementation.
    David Fernández Puyana,
    Representative of the Spanish Society for  International Human Rights Law (SSIHRL) and the International Observatory of  the Human Right to Peace in Geneva
  • 12:00 Short break
  • 12:15 Panel discussion: Where should we go from here?


Gunnar Stålsett, Former member of both the World Council of Churches’ Executive Committee, General Secretary of the Lutheran World Federation, State Secretary in the Ministry of Church Affairs and Education and bishop of Oslo, and current member of both the Norwegian Nobel Committee and the Executive Committee of the World Conference of Religions for Peace


  • Asbjørn Eide, Former member of both the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, Chair of the UN Working Group on the Rights of Minorities, Director of the Norwegian Center for Human Rights at the University of Oslo and Secretary-General of the International Peace Research Association
  • Cornelis Flinterman, Former Director of the Netherlands Institute of Human Rights (Utrecht University), Honorary Professor of Human Rights at the Utrecht and Maastricht Universities and member of the UN Human Rights Committee
  • Carlos Villán Durán, President of the Spanish Society for International Human Rights Law (SSIHRL), representative of the International Observatory of the Human Right to Peace and former staff member of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (1982-2005)

13:00 Closing remarks

  • Gunnar Stalsett, Bishop emeritus of Oslo. Member of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee, Member of the Executive Committee of the World Conference of Religions for Peace and former General Secretary of the Lutheran World Federation and former State Secretary in the Ministry of Church Affairs and Education.
  • Kjetil Mujezinović Larsen, Associate Professor, the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights

13:15 End of seminar

The seminar is organised by the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights and the Institute for Public and International Law at the Faculty of Law, the University of Oslo, with the support of the Spanish Society for International Human Rights Law, the International Observatory of the Human Right to Peace, the World Council of Churches, and University Abat Oliba, Barcelona.

Published Aug. 10, 2016 10:15 AM - Last modified Mar. 24, 2023 3:14 AM