Information about Parliaments in the Open Government Era

Background information

Generally speaking, an “open government” is one with high levels of transparency and mechanisms for public scrutiny and oversight, all contributing ultimately to governmental accountability and better democracy. Open governments are working to ensure the public trust and establish a system of transparency, public participation and collaboration.

Since transparency (information on the public bodies’ activities), participation (of the citizens / civil society in policy- and decision-making) and accountability are key-words in terms of open government, national parliaments are likely to play a central role in securing access to data, public mobilization and participation, and so on.

The ambition of the conference is to focus on national Parliaments and their challenges with Open government. The coneference wants to engage in a constructive dialogue towards more democratic participation and transparency.

Special guest

  • Michael Tetzschner, First Vice Chair in the Standing Committee on Scrutiny and Constitutional Affairs, Stortinget


  • Margaret Allars,Professor of Law, Faculty of Law, University of Sidney
  • Karen Haug Aronsen, Senior Adviser, Office of the Norwegian Ombudsman
  • Irène Bouhadana, Associate Professor, Sorbonne Law School, Co-Founder and Secretary-General of IMODEV
  • Cristina Fasone, European University Institute
  • Diane Fromage,European University Institute
  • William Gilles, Associate Professor,Sorbonne Law School, Co-Founder and President of IMODEV
  • Michael Gøtze, Professor of Law, University of Copenhagen
  • Helle Krunke, Professor of Law, University of Copenhagen
  • Anna-Sara Lind, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Uppsala
  • Ole Knut Løstegaard, Legal adviser, Ministry of Justice and Public Security
  • Dr Shane Martin, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Leicester
  • Iris Nguyen-Duy, Postdoctoral Fellow, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo
  • Tom Arne Nygaard, Senior Adviser, Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation (KMD)
  • Jon Håkon Odd, Senior Adviser,Agency for Public Management and eGovernment (Difi)
  • Matt Qvortrup, Senior Lecturer of Comparative Politics, Cranfield University and Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Contemporary British History, King's College London
  • Irma Russell, Proffesor of Law, University of Montana
  • Matthew William Saul, Postdoctoral Fellow, PluriCourts , University of Oslo
  • Ignatiana Shongedza, Lecturer, University Paris 1 Sorbonne
  • Gro Skaaren-Fystro, Special adviser, Transparency International
  • Eivind Smith, Professor of Public Law, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo
  • Sigrid Stokstad, Senior adviser, The National Archives of Norway
  • Russell Weaver, Professor of Law, University of Louisville
  • Anniken Willumsen, Senior Adviser, Agency for Public Management and eGovernment (Difi)
Published Oct. 20, 2014 9:42 AM - Last modified Aug. 10, 2016 10:15 AM