Programme: Parliaments in the Open Government Era

Please notice that the programme may be subject to change.

Wednesday 14 January 2015




Opening speech

Opening speech Irène Bouhadana, William Gilles & Iris Nguyen Duy.



The Norwegian Parliament in the open government era

By Eivind Smith, Professor of Public Law, Department of Public and International Law, University of Oslo


Session 1 - The Norwegian experience with open government

Chair: Iris Nguyen-Duy, Postdoctoral Fellow, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo

Tom Arne Nygaard, Senior adviser, Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation (KMD)
 Norway’s commitment to the Open Government Partnership

Ole Knut Løstegaard, Legal advisor, Ministry of Justice and Public Security (JD)
How is civil society involved in the legislative process?

Anniken Willumsen, Senior adviser, Agency for Public Management and eGovernment (Difi)
Plain Language in Norway's Civil Service



Coffee Break


(Session 1 continues)

Jon Håkon Odd, Senior adviser, Agency for Public Management and eGovernment (Difi)
Digital Access to Public Documents in Norway – The Electronic Public Records

Sigrid Stokstad, Senior Adviser, The National Archives of Norway (Statsarkivet i Oslo)
Records management - a key part of open government in Norway

Karen Haug Aronsen, Senior Adviser at The Parliamentary Ombudsman (Sivilombudsmannen)
The Norwegian Ombudsman's role in supervising freedom of information legislation in Norway

Gro Skaaren-Fystro, Special Adviser, Transparency International
The Norwegian Parliament and Lobbyism

                                                         Open discussion


Lunch break


Open Government in a comparative perspective

Session 2 - The European Parliaments and Open Government

Chair: Helle Krunke, Professor of Law, University of Copenhagen

Irène Bouhadana, Associate Professor of Public Law at the Sorbonne Law School
The Declaration on Parliamentary Openness. Opening Parliaments in the Open Governments Era.

Anna-Sara Lind, Associate Professor in Public Law, Faculty of Law, University of Uppsala
The Swedish Riksdag and demands of transparency - a constitutional perspective

Dr Shane Martin, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Leicester
Parliamentary Questions and Open Government





Session 3 - Open Government issues in America and Oceania

Chair: William Gilles, Associate Professor (HDR) at the Sorbonne Law School

Russell Weaver, Professor of Law, University of Louisville
Governmental Openness and Transparency in a Post-9/11 World

Margaret Allars, Professor of Law, Faculty of Law, University of Sidney
Australian Parliaments and Transparency

                                Open discussion for sessions 2 and 3


Thursday 15 January 2015




Session 4 - Open Government in Europe
Institutions and technical measures

Chair: Dr Shane Martin, University of Leicester

Matt Qvortrup, Senior Lecturer of Comparative Politics at the Center for International Security and Resilience at Cranfield University, Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Contemporary British History at King's College London
The Recall: A Mechanism for Increasing Accountability?

William Gilles, Associate Professor (HDR) at the Sorbonne Law School
French Open government, Parliamentary allowances and the «réserve parlementaire» in the sousveillance society

                                                        Open discussion




Session 5 - Upholding the idea of Open Government in the context internationalization and Europeanization

Chair: Russell Weaver, Professor of Law, University of Louisville

Helle Krunke, Professor of Law, University of Copenhagen
Open government: Challenges arising from Europeanization and internationalization

Irma Russell, Professor of Law, The University of Montana School of Law
Transparency and Engagement: The Dual Imperatives for a Complex World

Diane Fromage & Cristina Fasone, European University Institute (Italy)
Are Parliaments (more) committed to the trend of Open government after the Lisbon Treaty? The Italian and the Spanish cases

Matthew William Saul, Postdoctoral Fellow , PluriCourts, University of Oslo
What type of parliamentary conduct does the European Court on Human Rights promote?

                                             Open discussion


Closing Speech

Iris Nguyen Duy







Published Oct. 20, 2014 9:42 AM - Last modified Aug. 10, 2016 10:15 AM