Guest lecture: How to overcome the rule of law crisis in Poland after the upcoming parliamentary elections?

Public lecture by Professor Adam Bodnar, professor of law and Dean of the Law Faculty of the SWPS University in Warsaw

Picture of professor Adam Bodnar

Professor Adam Bodnar

Since 2015, democracy and the rule of law have deteriorated in Poland. The general elections due to take place in the autumn could bring about important change. Opposition political parties and civil society are currently considering possible reforms to restore Poland's constitutional democracy. The potential transition from the current competitive authoritarianism system to a democracy may indeed be difficult, especially in the judiciary. European and international organizations should play an important, supportive role in this process. 

Adam Bodnar is professor of law and Dean of the Law Faculty of SWPS University in Warsaw; former Ombudsman of Poland (09.2015-07.2021); visiting professor at the University of Cologne; member of the OSCE Panel of Experts on Freedom of Assembly and Association; member of advisory boards of International IDEA, Liberties, World Justice Project and World Organization Against Torture.

The seminar is organised in the framework of the ENROL research project (Enforcing the Rule of Law in the EU, funded by the Research Council of Norway) led by ARENA and the Oslo Centre for European Law.

All welcome!

Published May 24, 2023 2:51 AM - Last modified May 24, 2023 7:23 AM