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Big Data in the Health Services – Legal Perspectives

Do you have experience with, or are you interested in, the use of Big Data in the health services? We will gather Nordic law academics and other societal actors to discuss this topic.


Big Data

Big Data - use of consolidated data from various sources.

We wish to invite you to participate at the conference, and to contribute with a presentation and/or academic work in the Scandinavian languages.

The goal of the conference is to gather actors working on the digitalisation of health services together with relevant academic clusters in the Nordic countries in order for these to share experiences and expertise, as well as to discuss and shed light on challenges and opportunities in this new field of law. 

We are interested in presentations from actors in academic law environments in the public and private sector on topical subjects. We also invite these actors to submit notes with research questions (papers) and articles. We invite researchers to submit the same, and note that this is an opportunity to present on-going research projects and/or other results or articles.   

The conference will, among others, highlight the following:

  1. Legal regulation of digitised health records and genetic data, and the access to collect and share health records as a basis for healthcare (personalised medicine) and health research
  2. Value-related questions raised by the digitised treatment of health records, where central considerations are the rights to proper healthcare and individual privacy. 
  3. Legal protection of information, and the boundary between identifiable and anonymised information.
  4. The legal status of the patient's journal.
  5. Questions concerned with methodology:
    - The relationship between international/EU-focused legal instruments and national instruments
    - The legal scope for national regulation of Big Data in the health services
    - Analyses of current law and the boundary between regulation of Big Data in the healthcare and health insurance.
    - How jurisprudence is impacted by new technology like Big Data

The contributions with highest relevance and quality will be selected to become chapters in an academic anthology. This selection process will start after the conference.

Submitting abstracts and / or presentation topics

Legal researchers are invited to upload an abstract of a maximum of 500 words and a CV of no more than two pages in this online form by December 15, 2017. Completed papers of 5000 to 7000 words must be sent to the organizers by May 15, 2018.

Actors in legal environments in the public and private field are invited to submit topics and abstracts for presentations in this online form by December 15. Presentations do not necessitate submission of a full paper.

Notification of which abstracts and ideas for presentations that have been selected for the conference will be given by January 10, 2018 at the latest.


Participation is free of charge, and includes lunch and a reception. We will cover transportation costs and accommodation for participants whose presentations or paper abstracts are approved.


Selection of papers for an academic anthology will be conducted by an editorial committee after the conference

Important dates

  • December 15, 2017: Deadline for submitting abstracts and/or presentation topics
  • January 10, 2018: Notification of acceptance of papers and/or presentation topics
  • May 15, 2018: Deadline for submitting full papers
By Anne Kjersti Befring
Published Oct. 27, 2017 1:14 PM - Last modified Nov. 23, 2017 2:38 PM