Concept papers - Fall 2019

8. A Code of Conduct for Arbitrators and Judges

Chiara Giorgetti and Mohamed Abdel Wahab
Academic Forum on ISDS Concept Paper 2019/8

9. Reforming Shareholders Claims in ISDS 

Julian Arato, Kathleen Claussen, Jaemin Lee & Giovanni Zarra
Academic Forum on ISDS Concept Paper 2019/9

10. Selection and Appointment in International Adjudication: Insights from Political Science

Olof Larsson, Theresa Squatrito, Ã˜yvind Stiansen, and Taylor St John
Academic Forum on ISDS Concept Paper 2019/10

11. Selection and Appointment of International Adjudicators: Structural Options for ISDS Reform

Andrea K. Bjorklund, Marc Bungenberg, Manjiao Chi, Catharine Titi
Academic Forum on ISDS Concept Paper 2019/11

12. The Quadrilemma: Appointing Adjudicators in Future Investor-State Dispute Settlement

Malcolm Langford, Daniel Behn, and Maria Chiara Malaguti
Academic Forum on ISDS Concept Paper 2019/12

13. Third-Party Financing in ISDS. A Framework for Understanding Practice and Policy

Stavros Brekoulaki and Catherine Rogers
Academic Forum on ISDS Concept Paper 2019/13

14. An Advisory Centre on International Investment Law: Key Features

Karl P. Sauvant
Academic Forum on ISDS Concept Paper 2019/14

Published Sep. 20, 2019 3:15 PM - Last modified Dec. 11, 2023 11:35 AM