The Concept of Tax Sparing

Former Project Master student Kristian R H Nilsen has conducted a General Analysis, and an Analysis and Assessment of the Various Features of Tax Sparing Provisions.

Tax sparing

Tax sparing is a regulatory technique predominantly adopted in double tax treaties between industrialized countries and developing countries. Tax sparing provisions generally enable tax incentives granted by developing countries to accrue to foreign investors, rather than being consumed under the system of eliminating juridical double taxation. The overall rationale of enabling tax incentives to accrue to foreign investors is the notion that it will induce an increase of inbound capital flows to the developing country, which may contribute towards economic development.

The objective

The objective of this thesis is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the concept of tax sparing. This will be done in two main parts. The first part will address the general charac-teristics of tax sparing, its rationale and its role in double tax treaties. The second part will provide an analysis and systematization of, and comments on, the different and variable components of tax sparing provisions.

The full text of the Master thesis.

Published Dec. 3, 2013 11:14 AM