PITAD Database Launch

Leginvest invites all interested to the launch of PluriCourts Investment Treaty Arbitration Database (PITAD).


PITAD Database Launch

Chair: Ole Kristian Fauchald, Professor Pluricourts, University of Oslo & Coordinator, LEGINVEST

Why the database?

Malcolm Langford, Professor of Public Law & Affiliate, Pluricourts, University of Oslo

Building the database

Daniel Behn, Associate Professor, Pluricourts, University of Oslo & Lecturer, Uni. of Liverpool
Maksim Usynin, Research Fellow, University of Copenhagen


Using the Database 

Runar Lie, Research Fellow, Pluricourts, University of Oslo

Taylor St. John, Lecturer, University of St. Andrews


The launch is a part of the conference Future Directions in Empirical Research on Investment Treaty Law and Arbitration, which is organized  LEGINVEST, a Research Council of Norway-financed project, Pluricourts Centre of Excellence, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo in collaboration with iCourts and the German Development Institute

Published Jan. 14, 2019 10:50 AM - Last modified Dec. 21, 2023 9:57 AM