Responses to the 'legitimacy crisis' of international investment law (LEGINVEST) (completed)

The project's primary objective is to determine the relative importance of investment treaty arbitration (ITA) for the design of international investment agreements (IIAs) and the relative importance of (re)design of IIAs for ITA. Secondary objectives of the project are to:

1) Establish a general applicability database mapping the content of IIAs,

2) Propose ways to enhance synergies between international investment law and policies to protect the environment, promote human rights, and facilitate sustainable development in poor countries, and

3) Contribute to the general debate concerning the legitimacy of international courts with a comprehensive case study and a new analytical framework for assessing the relationship between the activities of courts and treaty design.

The project started in July 2018 and ends in June 2022.

Read more about the project here


Published Oct. 16, 2018 11:53 AM - Last modified Dec. 21, 2023 10:09 AM


Ole Kristian Fauchald

Administrative contact

Siri Johnsen