Midway assessments for Emma Brandon and Nicola Strain

On 3 February 2020, Emma Brandon and Nicola Strain both completed their midway assessments as part of the formal requirements for progressing in the PhD program at the Faculty of Law at the University of Oslo.

Photo of the candidates, evaluators and supervisors

Professor Paolo Palchetti, Emma Brandon, Professor Freya Baetens, Professor Régis Bismuth, Nicola Strain and Associate Professor Anders Løvlie.

Emma presented her project titled "Holding Signatories to Account:  States' Obligations Upon Signing a Treaty Granting Jurisdiction to an International Criminal or Human Rights Tribunal", which examines the international legal obligations that states have to cooperate with international criminal and human rights tribunals between signature and ratification of the treaties that established the tribunals. Professor Paolo Palchetti (University of Macerata/Université Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne) was the assessor of the midway.

Nicola presented her project titled "Consent to the Jurisdiction and Applicable Law of the WTO and Investor-State Dispute Settlement Mechanisms" which analyses the approach of these dispute settlement mechanisms to bringing in other areas of public international law. The assessor of the midway was Professor Régis Bismuth (The Sciences Po Law School, Paris).

Both Nicola and Emma are grateful to the assessors for their extremely helpful and constructive feedback for completing their PhD projects.

Published Feb. 4, 2020 2:41 PM - Last modified Dec. 11, 2023 11:31 AM