Conference contributor: Rikki Holtmaat

Professor of Law, Leiden University

Rikki Holtmaat is a professor of International Non-Discrimination Law at Leiden Law School since 2003. She graduated cum laude in Law at Utrecht University in 1983 and worked as a member of the academic staff of the Dutch Emancipation Council from 1982 to 1985. From 1985 to 2001 she lectured Women & Law at the University of Leiden. Her PhD-thesis (1992) investigated the construction of unequal gender relations in social security law in the Netherlands. Publications concern the fields of Labour Law, Social Security Law, EU-Equality Law, the CEDAW-Convention and Feminist Legal Theory. Besides her academic career, she also works as an independent consultant and researcher in the area of gender, law and non-discrimination since 1998. Since 2005, prof. Holtmaat is a member of the European Commission’s Network of Legal Experts in the Non-Discrimination Field; since 2008 she is also a member of the European Commission’s Network of Legal Experts in the Field of Gender. She has done research projects for the Dutch Government and for Dutch NGOs, and for several International Organisations, among others UNICEF, The International Commission of Jurist, the OHCHR, ILO, OSCE/ODIHR and the European Commission.

Published Dec. 8, 2014 6:58 PM - Last modified Dec. 9, 2014 11:57 AM