Criminal Justice and Social (In)justice – Further discussion. A follow-up seminar to the honorary lecture by Nicola Lacey

As a follow-up to the honorary lecture to be given by Nicola Lacey on 1 September on "Criminal Justice and Social (In)justice" , she will take part in a discussion seminar for a smaller audience on 2 September. After a few prepared comments there will be an open discussion. The event will be chaired by Professor Inger Johanne Sand.


Portrettbilde av Nicola Lacey

Nicola Lacey


The seminar is open for staff at IOR and IKRS.

Om Nicola Lacey

Nicola Lacey utnevnes i år til æresdoktor ved Universitetet i Oslo, etter forslag fra Det juridiske fakultet. UiOs æresdoktorgrad (doctor honoris causa) gis til fremtredende, oftest utenlandske, akademikere. Den tildeles uten at kandidaten har forsvart en avhandling i disputas.  De utnevnes som regel hvert tredje år ved UiOs årsfest 2. september. Initiativtagere til Det juridiske fakultets nominasjon av Lacey i 2020 var Inger Johanne Sand og Synnøve Ugelvik fra Institutt for offentlig rett (IOR), og Katja Franko og Kristin Bergtora Sandvik fra Institutt for kriminologi og rettssosiologi (IKRS). Seremonien og æresdoktorforelesningen har blitt utsatt to år på grunn av covid-pandemien.

Lacey er Professor of Law, Gender and Social Policy ved London School of Economics. Hun har gitt betydelige faglige bidrag til blant annet strafferett, likestillingsrett og rettsteori. Hennes mest kjente bok er A Life of H.L.A. Hart: The Nightmare and the Noble Dream, en biografi om den kjente britiske rettsteoretikeren H. L. A. Hart. 

Lacey er også årets mottager av Law & Society Association International Prize. I begrunnelsen heter det blant annet: "Professor Lacey transformed the fields of critical criminology and penology and opened up new areas of inquiry and advocacy for reforming criminal justice systems around the globe. Her work has advanced sociolegal scholarship in these key areas. Professor Lacey has also made significant contributions to feminist legal-thought and has written/co-edited 11 books."

Om temaet for Laceys æresdoktorforelesning 1.september: Criminal Justice and Social (In)justice

A recognition of the obstacles to achieving criminal justice in a society marked by structural injustice has been a longstanding feature of philosophical, legal and criminological literatures.  Inequalities and injustices in social attitudes to certain groups and in the distribution of resources and opportunities in fields ranging from family life, education, health care, shelter and secure employment are perhaps the most obviously relevant features of a social order.  Moreover the experience of abuse, prejudice, violence or nutritional or emotional deprivation is now understood to affect not simply economic and life opportunities but psychological and cognitive development.  The consequent threat to the legitimacy of punishment is particularly acute when the state itself bears substantial responsibility for either creating, or failing to alleviate, the relevant conditions.  Though the causal chains are complex, it is no exaggeration – nor is it inconsistent with a recognition of the role of individual agency – to speak of many injustices as criminogenic.

Meeting the challenge of doing a measure of criminal justice in these circumstances remains important, however, because of a further consideration, and one that complicates the moral and political challenge.   This is the fact that disproportionalities in the impact of criminalisation and punishment on groups disadvantaged by injustice are matched by comparable disproportionalities in criminal victimisation.  Economically marginalised groups and those subject to racism and other forms of prejudice find themselves not only on the sharp end of the criminal justice system, but also disproportionately the victims of crime.  They also, all too often, face poor provision of criminal justice services such as policing.

In recent decades, this longstanding challenge has been exacerbated by emerging features of political economy in the so-called advanced democracies:  notably the growth and embedding of economic inequalities.  The increase in poverty and the emergence in many relatively wealthy countries of a polarised demographic featuring a substantial minority excluded from many of the benefits of economic growth, and even of political association, has both complicated the political challenge facing democratic governments, and significantly exacerbated the injustices which had long been apparent. 

In this lecture, Professor Lacey will analyse these developments, and consider their normative upshot and practical implications for the criminal justice, and their role in the re-emergence of new forms of criminal justice abolitionism.

Publisert 19. aug. 2022 17:07 - Sist endret 21. des. 2023 10:35