Instituttlunsj: Legitimacy of unseen actors in international adjudication

Professor Freya Baetens will give us a lecture on the Legitimacy of unseen actors in international adjudication. Head of Department Inger-Johanne Sand will host the lunch.

‘Unseen actors’ are central to the ‘institutional makeup’ of international courts and tribunals as registries and secretariats, law clerks and legal officers may exert varying levels of influence on the judicial process. During this lecture, Freya Baetens will discuss the legitimacy of assigning ‘unseen actors’ certain roles in the judicial process as well as the implications thereof for the legitimacy of the dispute settlement mechanism as such.

Freya Baetens (Cand./Lic.Jur. (Ghent); LL.M. (Columbia); Ph.D. (Cambridge)) is Professor of Public International Law at the PluriCourts Centre (Faculty of Law, Oslo University), working on an interdisciplinary research project evaluating the legitimacy of international courts and tribunals. She is also affiliated with the Europa Institute (Faculty of Law, Leiden University).

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Publisert 8. jan. 2018 12:09 - Sist endret 21. des. 2023 10:39