Instituttlunsj: Protection without Ratification? International Refugee Law beyond States Parties to the 1951 Refugee Convention (BEYOND)

Professor Maja Janmyr fra SMR innleder om sitt ERC-prosjekt "BEYOND".

 Instituttleder Inger Johanne Sand leder lunsjen.

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Maja Janmyr. Foto: UiO.

Maja Janmyr er professor i internasjonal migrasjonsrett ved Det juridiske fakultet, Universitetet i Oslo. Hennes forskning fokuserer særlig på flyktningers rettigheter og levekår i Midtøsten. 

Sommeren 2019 fikk Janmyr tildelt et ERC Starting Grant, med en bevilgning fra EU på over 15 millioner kroner fordelt over fem år til å forske på betydningen av FNs flyktningekonvensjon for de stater som ikke har ratifisert den. 

Abstract for BEYOND-prosjektet:

Many of the world’s top refugee-hosting countries have neither signed nor ratified the 1951 Refugee Convention. So do international conventions make a difference? The Refugee Convention represents a paradigmatic – and exceptionally timely – test of this theoretical and empirical puzzle, for refugee protection is increasingly politicized and has wide-ranging implications for state sovereignty. The BEYOND project, funded by a ERC Starting Grant and commencing in the summer of 2020, fundamentally reconsiders the impact of international refugee law by developing the first genuinely global and systematic theoretical framework for understanding the behaviour and position of states that have chosen not to sign the Refugee Convention – especially those that still accept the lion’s share of the world’s refugees. These non-party states, overlooked by scholarship and seen as ‘exceptions’ to the international refugee law regime, are at the core of this project rather than the margins.


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Publisert 7. aug. 2019 10:22 - Sist endret 27. des. 2023 09:20