EISS Conference 2016: Social Security and the changing Concept of Work

The annual Conference of the European Institute of Social Security (EISS) for 2016 will be hosted by the Department of Public and International Law at the University of Oslo Faculty of Law, in cooperation with the Norwegian Section of EISS. The topic of the conference is “Social Security and the changing concept of work”.

Picture of the conference site: Gamle Festsal, Domus Academica (Photo: UiO)

About the topic of the conference

Both pension schemes and most other social security schemes as we know them are financed by contributions that are levied on salary from work, and / or income from self employment. The sustainability of the schemes therefore rely partly on a working population generating a steady flow of income to cover for the benefits.

In modern Europe, the concept of work currently undergoes changes. Employers demand higher skills, work can be organized in more flexible and mobile manner and there is a growing number of people aged 60+ in the workforce. Furthermore, we see other signs of fundamental changes, like the growth of an informal sector that has been labelled “the sharing economy”. Social security systems need to respond to these changes but struggle in doing so.

Through a series of keynote speeches and discussions, the conference will examine the relationship between a changing working life, and social security schemes that most Europeans have learned to trust as an integrated part of their life through decades: the leading question is to what extent is the changing work environment affecting the traditional organization of social security?

Registration and conference fees

The deadline for registration was Sunday 4 September 2016.

The Conference fee is €50 for EISS Members, €75 for non-members. PhD-students are allowed to register free of charge.


Thursday, September 22

Opening session (10.00-12.30): Work and social security - Exploring the balance

10.00-10.20: Opening addresses (the organisers EISS-Norge, the EISS’ President and the Director General of the National Insurance dministration)

10.200: Changing patterns in the organization of work: dismantling the Nordic Model? (Prof. Kalle Moene, University of Oslo)

Discussion (Format of discussions: panels with one chairperson + 1-2 keynote speakers) 

11.30-12.00: Coffee break

12.00-12.45: The changing concept of work: when does typical work become atypical? (Prof. Paul Schoukens – KU Leuven and University Tilburg)


Lunch break: 12.45–13.45

Afternoon session (13.45-16.00): New forms of work – adapting social security schemes

13.45-14.45: Session 1

Flexible retirement: working into old age (Prof. Ivana Vukorepa - University of Zagreb)

‘EmploymentAbility’: a work centered approach in dealing with work incapacity and unemployment (Prof. Chris Gibbon – University of Essex)


14.45–15.00: Coffee break

15.00-16.00: Session 2

Combing work and family: family benefits, child care services – or both? (Associate Prof. Ingunn Ikdahl – University of Oslo)

The working poor: between minimum wage and minimum income (Prof. Gijsbert Vonk – University of Groningen)



16.00–16.45: Young researcher’s forum [Under the Presidency of prof. dr. Paul Schoukens]


16.45-17.30: EISS General Assembly

Presentation activities Working Group EFESE

Presentation outcomes meeting Presidency and Bureau


18.00: Reception at the town Hall of Oslo


Friday, September 23.

9.30-12.00 Morning session - New types of work: crossing borders

9.30-10.15. Session 1

New types of work: from a traditional work division to a sharing economy? (Prof. Valeria Pulignano – KU Leuven)


10.15-10.45: Coffee break

10.45-12.00. Session 2

The changing concept of work in EU social security law (Prof. Rob Cornelissen – University of Brussels)

Work centered EU social security and the impact upon the Nordic model (Prof. Dorte Martinsen - Kopenhagen University)


Kl. 12.00–13.30: Lunch break

13.00 (voluntary): A short guided tour of the University Aula with its Munch paintings

13.30–15.00: Closing session

Revisiting Social security - Will social security survive into an age of sharing economy and a diminishing labour “market”? (Prof. Eberhard Eichenhofer – University of Jena)

Closing remarks

Publisert 10. aug. 2016 10:16 - Sist endret 9. sep. 2016 13:29