Women's Human Rights. CEDAW in International, Regional and National Law

With a focus on substantive equality, this book addresses the gender-specific, holistic and transformative aspects of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.

© Cambridge University Press

The CEDAW is situated in a complex legal landscape of multiple international, regional and national state obligations to protect women's human rights.

  • Situates the CEDAW regime in a legal landscape where states are under multiple international, regional and national obligations to respect, protect and fulfil women's right to equality and non-discrimination
  • Explores how the gender-specific CEDAW regime, in comparison to gender-neutral regimes like the ICCPR and the ICESCR, has influenced social and economic rights
  • Case studies demonstrate the increasing use of the CEDAW as a means to hold national governments accountable, despite an uneven and complex process of legal change

Published by: Cambridge University Press (2013)

Publisert 12. juli 2013 15:16 - Sist endret 5. sep. 2014 15:21