North-South Legal Perspectives Series

The North-South Legal Perspectives Series is edited by Julie Stewart and Anne Hellum. Published by Weaver Press

Collage of the book covers of the publications. From left: "traditional african" paintings, woman resting, women walking, drawings of different settings and photo of man collecting water

Book covers designed by: Kari Vetlesen, Anneli Skaar, Weaver Press, Biddy Partridge, Mashet Ndhlovu and Danes Design


Weis Bentzon, Agnete, Anne Hellum, Julie Stewart, Welsman Ncube and Torben Agersnap: Pursuing Grounded Theory in Law: South-North Experiences in Developing Women's Law. (1998) Mond Books/TANO Aschehoug. 

Hellum, Anne (1999): Women's Human Rights and Legal Pluralism in Africa: Mixed Norms and Identities in Infertility Management in Zimbabwe. Mond Books/TANO Aschehoug. 

Amy Tsanga (2003): Taking law to the people: Gender, law reform and community legal education in Zimbabwe. Weaver Press. 

Hellum, Anne, Julie Steward, Shaheen Sardar Ali and Amy Tsanga (ed.): Human rights, plural legalities and gendered realities: Paths are made by walking. (2007) Weaver Press. 

Tsanga, Amy and Julie Steward (ed.): Woman and law: Innovative approaches to teaching, reaserch and analysis. (2011) Weaver Press.

Hellum, Anne, Patricia Kameri-Mbote and Barbara van Koppen (ed.): Water is Life: Womean's human rigths in national and local water governance in Southern and Eastern Africa. (2015) Weaver Press. 


Publisert 25. juli 2019 13:20 - Sist endret 26. juli 2019 09:00