Beviskrav ved inndragning av utbytte etter straffeloven §§ 34, 34a og 35

- Særlig om hensynet til effektivitet og hensynet til å unngå uriktige domfellelser ved inndragning av utbytte med tilknytning til hvitvaskingsforgåelser etter straffeloven § 317

by Mats J. Stenmark Iversen

By way of introduction this study deals with the general criminal standard of proof. It then goes on to elucidate the specific departures from this stan-dard that apply to confiscation pursuant to sections 34, 34a and 35 of the Norwegian General Civil Penal Code. The work also discusses theoretical aspects of the law relating to evidence, including issues concerning the burden of proof and the rule of law.

The current rules are assumed to be important instruments in the combating of white-collar crime. The study focuses on the rules of confiscation of asset connected to so-called Money Laundering crimes, and uses this type of financial crime to analyse the application of the rules of evidence more closely.