Fri vei mot 10 TWh?

En drøftelse av hvorvidt gjeldende rettsregler gir de berørte miljøinteresser tilstrekkelig rettssikkerhet i vindkraftsaker

by Nikolai K. Winge

The challenge of climate change has become a serious part of the political agenda, both internationally as well as in Norway. At the same time we are witnessing a steady increase in total energy consumption. In Norway, the great challenge is how we can secure the power supply without building more power stations that entail emission of pollution. In this connection, the Norwegian government has decided on ambitious plans for wind power development. Realistic production estimates for wind power production are 10Twh in Norway by the year 2020.

Wind power development is not without its problems. The wind power plants may serve as a great potential conflict for a series of environmental concerns, such as biological diversity, the affected local population, natural landscape, cultural interests, etc. Through an analysis of legal doctrine and existing law, the author has assessed whether the various environmental considerations, which are in danger of being harmed by the construction of wind power plants, have been given sufficient legal protection in wind power cases.

Publisert 11. nov. 2009 14:52