Rettstekstar i mellomalderen

- Idé og praksis

by Jørn Øyrehagen Sunde  (red.)

In October 2003 a group of young researchers working with themes related to the Middle Ages held a seminar on Nordic medieval legal history at Rettshistorisk Samling at the University of Oslo. The idea was to create a forum for lectures and discussions. The result is this publication where most of the lecturers are published. In their contributions Alexandra Sanmark and Anne Irene Riis�y both deal with the Norwegian Christian laws, especially their content and their implementation. Jo Rune Ugulen discuss the content of the term �hauld�, and through this analysis also reveals the nature of Norwegian codifications from the early Middle Ages; in his article Per Andersen detects the order of the first European codes from the first half of the 13th Century. Gunnar W. Knutsen studies foreigners in the Spanish Inquisition, while J�rn �yrehagen Sunde and Bj�rg Dale Sp�rck take on two very different methodological challenges: How to identify internationalization of law during the Middle Ages and how to translate medieval legal texts. The essence of this publication is thus the same as that of the seminar: How to understand the other.