Curriculum Vitae Hans Chr. Bugge

Professor of Environmental Law, University of Oslo, Norway

Born in Oslo, Norway, 1942. Norwegian citizen.



1968: Graduate in law, University of Oslo

1972: Doctor’s degree in Regional Planning and Economics (Docteur de Spécialité en Aménagement du Territoire et Économie Regionale), University of Paris II. Dissertation on French environmental law.

1998: Doctor juris, University of Oslo. Dissertation on responsibility for pollution and the Polluter Pays Principle in Norwegian Law.

Professional experience:

1969-70: Assistant judge, Northern Norway (Senja)

1972-82: Leading positions in the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Finance, i.a.:

1973-76: Deputy Director, Department for Pollution Control, Ministry of the Environment,

1976-77: Deputy Director, Economic Planning Department, Ministry of Finance,

1977-78: Director General, Norway's State Pollution Control Authority,

1978-82: Director General, Department for Urban and Regional Planning, Ministry of the Environment. Chair or member of a number of commissions and committees in the field of environmental and spatial planning policy and law.

1982-91: Secretary General of the Norwegian NGO Redd Barna (Save the Children Norway).

1986-87: State Secretary (Deputy Minister), Ministry for Development Cooperation, and personal advisor to Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland in her work as chair of the World Commission on Environment and Development (the "Brundtland Commission").

1991-98: Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo.

1998 - : Professor of Environmental Law, University of Oslo. Responsible for the teaching of students in Environmental Law and International Environmental Law at the faculty. Supervisor of several PhD students in environmental law.

1998-2003: Chair, National governmental commission on regional and land use planning legislation, see National commissions report (NOU) 2001:7 and 2003:14.

Research Positions:

1979-83: Chairman of the Norwegian Council for Societal Research.

1988-92: Chairman of the National Board for Environment and Development Research.

1992-96: Member and Vice-Chairman of the Board of the national Research Council of Norway.

1998 - : Chairman of the Board, Centre for Development and the Environment, University of Oslo.

2001-2003: Vice-Dean for Research, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo.

2005 - : Leader of Research group in Natural Resources Law, Faculty of Law.



Bugge, H. C.: Lærebok i miljøforvaltningsrett (Textbook in environmental law) Universitetsforlaget, Oslo 2006, 194 pp.

Bugge, H. C.: Norway. Norway’s Environmental Law, in the International Encyclopedia of Law Series, Kluwer Law International (general editor prof. dr. R. Blanpain), The Hague 2004, 302 pp.

Bugge, H. C.: Forurensningsansvaret. Det økonomiske ansvaret for å forebygge, reparere og erstatte skade ved forurensning (Pollution responsibility. The economic responsibility to prevent, repair and compensate pollution damage), Oslo 1999, 740 pp.

Bugge H. C. and R. Thrap-Meyer: EØS-avtalen i miljørettslig perspektiv (The EEA Agreement in the perspective of environmental law), IUSEF nr. 7, 2. utg., Universitetsforlaget, Oslo 1995, 119 pp.

Edited books:

Bugge, H. C. and C. Voigt (eds.): Sustainable Development in International and National Law, Europa Law Publishing, Groningen, 2008.

Ulfstein, G., H. C. Bugge, O. K. Fauchald and I.-J. Sand: Folkerettslige rammer for norsk miljøpolitikk (The International Legal Framework for Norway’s Environmental Policy), Makt- og demokratiutredningens rapportserie nr. 18, 2000.

Selvig, E. og H. C. Bugge (eds.): International Environmental Law, Juridisk forlag, Oslo 1995.

Articles/book chapters:

Bugge, H. C.: “Klimarett”. Et essay om et rettsområde i utvikling (”Climate Law”: An essay about a developing field of law), in Anker, H. T. and B. Egelund Olsen (eds.): Festskrift til Ellen Margrethe Basse, Copenhagen, 2008.

Bugge, H. C.: Polluter Pays Principle: Dilemmas of Justice in National and International Contexts, in Ebbesson, J. and P. Okowa (eds.): Environmental Law and Justice in Context, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2008 (Bugge 2008).

Bugge, H.C.: 1987-2007: “Our Common Future” revisited, in Bugge, H. C. and C. Voigt (eds.): Sustainable Development in International and national Law, Europa Law Publishing, Groningen, 2008, pp. 3-21.

Bugge, H. C.: Comparative Analysis of the Precautionary Principle in the Nordic Countries – Norway, in: de Sadeleer, N. (ed.): Implementing the Precautionary Principle: Earthscan / James & James 2007, London, pp. 102-119.

Bugge, H.C.: Meeting the Kyoto Challenge: The Case of Norway. International Energy Law & Taxation Review 2006 pp. 140-147.

Bugge, H. C.: Miljørett som rettsdisiplin (Environmental Law as a Legal Field) in: dog Fred er ej det Bedste... Festskrift til C.A. Fleischer, Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, 2006 pp. 77-95

Bugge, H. C.: Retten til å få, og plikten til å gi, miljøinformasjon etter den nye miljøinformasjonsloven (Ther Right to Get and the Obligation to Provide Environmental Information according to the new Environmental Information Act), Lov og rett 2005 (Årg. 44, nr 7/8), pp. 492-508.

Bugge, H. C.: Rettslige spørsmål ved CO2-deponering på norsk kontinentalsokkel, (Legal Issues related to Carbon Capture and Storage on the Norwegian Continental Shelf) in Kritisk Juss 2005 no. 2, pp. 132-145.

Bugge, H. C.: Product policy and producer responsibility in Norway, 2004.

Bugge, H. C.: Juss eller politikk? Gasskraftsakens rettslige sider (Law or Policy? Legal Aspects of the Gas-fired Power Station Case), in: Nybrott og Odling, Festskrift til Nils Nygaard, Bergen 2002, pp. 471-485.

Bugge, H. C.: Miljøvern og rettferdighet - en introduksjon, in: Fågelperspektiv på rättsordningen, Vänbok till Staffan Westerlund, Uppsala 2002, pp. 283-305.

Bugge, H. C.: The Kyoto protocol and the International Energy Industry: The Norwegian Perspective, in P. Cameron and D. Zillman (eds.) Kyoto: from Principles to Practice, Kluwer Law, The Hague, London, New York, 2001, pp. 39-48.

Bugge, H. C.: The historic roots of Norwegian pollution law, i Huhlajulkaisu - Erkki Johannes Hollo (Homage to Erkki J. Hollo), Helsingfors 2000, pp. 44-57.

Bugge, H.C.: Eldre miljøskader - er noen ansvarlige i dag? (Who is responsible for old pollution damage?), in Forhandlingene ved det 35. nordiske juristmøtet, Oslo 1999, 329-348.

Bugge, H.C.: Legal issues in Land Use and Nature Protection, in H. T. Anker og E. M. Basse (eds.): Land Use and Nature Protection. Emerging Legal Aspects, DJØF København 2000.

Bugge, H. C.: og M. W Tvedt: A legal look at Article 15 in the Convention on Biological Diversity: Access to genetic resources, in H. Svarstad og Shivcharn S. Dhillion (eds.): Responding to Bioprospecting, Spartacus forlag, Oslo 2000, 169-192.

Bugge, H. C. : Grunnloven § 97: En oversikt over teori og nyere rettspraksis, (The non-retroactivity clause of the Norwegian Constitution – overview of theory and recent court practice), in Jussens Venner 1999, 65-101.

Bugge, H. C: Human rights and Resource Management - an overview, i Berge, E. og N. C. Stenseth (eds.): Law and the Governance of Renewable Resources, ICS Press, , Oakland, California 1998, 93-122.

Bugge, H. C.: General principles of international law and environmental protection - an overview, i Basse, E. M. (red.): Environmental Law from International to National Law, GadJura, København 1997, 53-72.

Bugge H. C.: The new Article on Environmental Protection in Norway's Constitution, i Caravito di Toritto, B. (ed.): Rapporto Mondiale sul Diritto dell'Ambiente/A World Survey of International Law, Guiffré Editore, Milano, 1996, 315-327.

Bugge, H.C.: The Principles of "Polluter-Pays" in Economics and Law, i Eide E. og R. van den Bergh (eds.): Law and Economics of the Environment, Juridisk Forlag, Oslo 1996, 53-90 (Bugge 1996).

Bugge, H. C.: International Environmental Law – Status and Challenges, i Selvig, E. og H. C. Bugge (eds.): International Environmental Law, Juridisk forlag, Oslo 1995, 53-60.

Bugge, H. C.: The ethics of sustainable development – a challenge to the legal system, i Basse, E. M. (red.): Bæredygtighed – en retsteoretisk begrebsanalyse, GadJura, København 1995, 27-38.

Bugge, H. C.: Complementary sources to old constitutional texts: the case of Norway, i Smith, E. (ed.) Constitutional Justice under Old Constitutions, Kluwer Law International, Haag 1995, 293-310.

Bugge, H. C.: Miljørettens rammer i EU og EØS – en innføring, (The framework of environmental law in EU and EEA) in Basse, E. M. (red.) Miljørettens grundspørgsmål, GadJura, København 1994, 207-251.

Bugge, H. C.: Rio-konferansen i rettslig lys (The Rio Conference in a legal perspective), Lov og Rett 1993, 469-485.

Bugge, H. C.: “Bærekraftig utvikling” og andre aktuelle perspektiver i miljøretten (”Sustainable development” and other perspectives in environmetnal law), Lov og Rett 1993, 485-498.

Publisert 19. mai 2008 13:27 - Sist endret 25. nov. 2009 18:43