Webinar series on the Law of Energy Market Design

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The seminar series seeks to explore central legal considerations in relation to energy market design. It takes an international, EU and national law perspective to the many challenges that the decarbonisation, digitalization, decentralization and democratization of the energy sector pose to market design.

The series is offered as webinars and hybrid seminars. You can register your interest and receive information on future events by filling the registration form on this page: nettskjema.no.

By clicking on the Previous events you'll find digital resources such as PowerPoint presentations and recordings.


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Effective short and long-term hedging as a prerequisite for a well-functioning electricity market.

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Webinar held by Nuno Antunes, Partner at Miranda & Associados, Portugal, Lead of the AIEN Hydrogen Taskforce.

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Webinar held by Sille Grjotheim, Director and Country Manager for Renewables Certification in Norway, Energy Systems in DNV and Assistant Professor Ceciel Nieuwenhout, University of Groningen.

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Webinar held by Carmen Gimeno, Partner at Verdia Legal, and Secretary General of GEODE

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Webinar held by Dr. Romain Mauger, Head of the Legal Research Unit at the Iberian Centre for Research in Energy Storage (CIIAE), located in Cáceres, Spain. 

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Webinar held by Antoine Lochet and Anna Björg Guðjónsdóttir, both from BBA//Fjeldco.

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Webinar held by Kia Marie Jerichau, Director of Flexibility and Balancing, Energinet, Denmark.

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The University of Oslo, Department of Energy and Resources Law, and the Catholic University of Portugal, in collaboration with the NorthWind Research Centre, have the pleasure of inviting you to attend a webinar on floating offshore wind permitting: comparative approach between Norway and Portugal.

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Webinar held by Alec Van Vaerenbergh, Partner, DLA Piper, Brussels office, Belgium.

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Webinar held by Munir Hassan, Partner, Head of Energy & Climate Change Group, CMS, London, UK.

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Webinar held by Stephany Nicole Paredes Pineda, power market analyst at Hafslund Eco, Norway.

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Webinar held by Eivind Skjærven, Senior Surveillance Specialist at Nasdaq Market Suveillance, Norway.

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A law and economics perspective on the Commission’s public consultation of January 2023.

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Webinar held by Assistant Professor Ceciel Nieuwenhout, University of Groningen

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Webinar held by Joel B. Eisen, Felix Mormann and Heather Payne

Time and place: , Zoom https://uio.zoom.us/j/68395718363

Webinar held by Silke Goldberg.

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Webinar held by Anna Butenko.

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Webinar held by Simon Vanhove, PhD researcher, Katholieke Universitet Leuven, Centre for Public Law, Belgium.

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Webinar held by Jørgen Bjørndalen, Principal Consultant at DNV's Energy systems division, and Camilla Berg, general counsel at Nord Pool AS.

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Webinar held by Assistant Professor Lucila de Almeida.

Time and place: , Zoom uio.zoom.us/j/69549276392 (Passcode: 246165)

Webinar held by Marco Pavesi.

Policy Officer - Market Monitoring, ACER, Electricity Department.

Time and place: , zoom, see link and passcode

Introduction by Postdoctoral Researcher Kaisa Huhta 

Senior Researcher and Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Fellow at the UEF Law School and at the Centre for Climate Change, Energy and Environmental Law, where her research focuses on EU energy law.

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