Webinar: The Distribution System Operator (DSO) as ‘neutral market facilitator’ under EU law

Webinar held by Simon Vanhove, PhD researcher, Katholieke Universitet Leuven, Centre for Public Law, Belgium.

Image may contain: Glasses, Forehead, Glasses, Hair, Nose.
Photo: Simon Vanhove

Digital resources from the webinar:

PowerPoint presentation.pdf

Recording from the seminar:

Join the Webinar:

This webinar will be hosted on zoom. 
Join here: https://uio.zoom.us/j/69521614734

Documentation on how to use Zoom can be found here: Video Meetings and digital lectures - University of Oslo (uio.no)

About the topic:

Increasing electrification and digitalization will increase electricity transactions and flows on the distribution grid. This requires a renewed role for the Distribution System Operators (DSO), no longer acting as a purely technical manager, but instead also as ‘neutral market facilitator’. This webinar will build on Simon’s PhD research and discusses several domains where market design impacts the role of the DSO, such as e-mobility, flexibility and energy storage.

Tags: Energy Law, Energy Market Design
Published Aug. 8, 2022 1:44 PM - Last modified May 11, 2024 6:23 AM