Webinar: Overview of the recent changes to the energy storage regime in EU law

Webinar held by Dr. Romain Mauger, Head of the Legal Research Unit at the Iberian Centre for Research in Energy Storage (CIIAE), located in Cáceres, Spain. 

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Join the Webinar:

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The webinar takes place on zoom the 5th of December at 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CET. 

About the topic:

The fast deployment of energy storage solutions is critical for the energy transition towards renewable energy sources. To do so, a clear and incentivizing legal framework is key. In this webinar, the focus is placed on the legal regime for energy storage at EU level, with particular emphasis on the electricity system. 

Thanks to the adoption of the 2019 Electricity Market Directive, energy storage is now defined and the basic rules for this activity have been set. Since then, the intensity of law-making in the EU with regards to energy storage has only increased. The electricity market reform, which includes provisions targeting energy storage, is an example. The Battery Regulation, focusing on raw materials for batteries and their recycling, is another. Storage is yet again part of the drafting process for the network code on demand response. 

During this webinar, Dr. Romain Mauger will provide an analysis of these recent and ongoing legal changes, painting a picture of the legal regime for energy storage in the electricity system in the EU. 

The speaker:

Image may contain: Tie, Forehead, Smile, Cheek, Chin.
Dr. Romain Mauger is Head of the Legal Research Unit at the Iberian Centre for Research in Energy Storage (CIIAE), located in Cáceres, Spain. 

Digital resources from the webinar:

Powerpoint presentation.pdf

Tags: EU law, Energy Law
Published Nov. 22, 2023 12:48 PM - Last modified May 13, 2024 7:15 PM