Autoship Autoship


NIFS participates in SFI Autoship with an investigation of legal issues related to autonomous ships

Autonomous ship, Yara Birkeland

Autonomous ship, Yara Birkeland

About the project

Centers for research-driven innovation (SFI) have been established with support from the Research Council to promote long-term research in a collaboration between R&D-active companies and outstanding research environments. SFI Autoship is an 8-year innovation center that will contribute to Norwegian actors taking a leading role in the development of autonomous ships with a focus on safe and sustainable operation.


UiO participates with a PhD project in maritime law in the period 2021–2024.


The center is hosted by the Department of Technical Cybernetics, NTNU. The centre's partners include ship operators, shipping companies, suppliers of ship equipment and technology, companies in ship classification and insurance, public authorities, owners of public infrastructure and research. Research partners are NTNU, SINTEF Ocean, SINTEF Digital, UiO and IFE.


SFI Autoskip is jointly financed by the Research Council and industry, under NFR's project nr 309230.


See the project's main page at NTNU for further information.



Funded by The Research Council of Norway

Prosjektnummer: 309230

Norwegian version of this page
Published June 19, 2024 3:48 PM - Last modified June 19, 2024 3:48 PM