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Research network for Energy Law in the light of the green transition towards net zero emissions

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About the project

The ELAWNET project deals with research network activities on the law of electricity market design and just energy transition under net zero goals. It is led by the Department of Energy and Resources Law at the University of Oslo, in collaboration with the Research Group in Natural Resources Law. It involves Norwegian and international legal scholars specialised in the field of energy law and includes multidisciplinary research.


Since the 2021–2022 Winter and the weaponisation of gas supply to Europe by Russia in the war in Ukraine, the combined effects of the energy price and energy supply crisis have been a priority for all governments and regulators. In 2022, European governments adopted a series of short-term and mid-term emergency measures. In the next phase starting in 2023, legislative and regulatory proposals for more structural reforms start to be advanced. The ELAWNET project aims to inform these discussions by providing new knowledge based on network activities, across jurisdictions (in Europe, United States and Asia) and disciplines (law, political sciences and economics). The network activities consist of workshops, guest lectures, short study visits and conferences. In addition, the project offers a PhD school to support early career researchers in energy law. Research results are disseminated through online media and publications.

The ELAWNET project is motivated by the regulatory changes that are necessary to accompany the green transitions towards net zero emissions energy systems. It addresses a central topic for the development of the society and for our regulatory models, in relation to regulatory models for electricity markets and implementation of energy transition law and policy.

The project aims to develop new knowledge supported by dissemination activities, and in doing so contribute to the current debate on the two central topics of electricity market reform and just energy transition, organised as two work packages (see below).

The project also aims to stimulate early-stage PhD candidates working in the field and provide them with an arena for discussion with a dedicated PhD school.


The ELAWNET network plans for four annual conferences in 2024–2027 and two 1-day PhD schools adjacent to the conferences in 2024 and 2026 (events in left-hand menu).

Other network activities include research visits, (online) seminars and collaboration on joint publications and research proposals to be submitted to national and international funding agencies.


The project is led by the Department of Energy and Resources Law together with the Research Group in Natural Resources Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Oslo. It will involve leading researchers in other jurisdictions, both in and outside Europe.


  • The first work package is dedicated to energy markets regulation and consists in a legal study of the electricity market design rules in the transition towards low carbon energy systems as well as the speeding up permitting procedures for renewables.

  • The second work package relates to the interlinkage between energy law and just transition and consists in empirical legal studies focusing on the social challenges of implementing energy transition legislation.


The ELAWNET project receives funding from the Norwegian Country of Research, project number 342241 under the FRIHUMSAM programme.


Under the ELAWNET project, the University of Oslo is collaborating with the following institutions: University of Richmond School of Law (USA), University of Arizona (USA), Tilburg University (the Netherlands), Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium), Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (France), National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan), Durham Energy Institute at Durham University (UK), UEF Law School and at the Centre for Climate Change, Energy and Environmental Law (Finland), Cicero (Norway), NTNU Energy Transition Initiative (Norway), Iberian Centre for Research in Energy Storage (CIIAE) (Spain), Hellenic Energy and Regulation Institute (HERI) (Greece).


  • Banet, Catherine; Büll, Alberto; Lew, Darryl & Sourgens, Frédéric G. (2023). Electricity Market Design - Global Regulatory Approaches to Facing the Challenges of the Energy Transition, 69th Natural resources and energy law institute. The foundation for natural resources and energy law. ISSN 978-1-943497-57-7.

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  • Banet, Catherine & Gimeno, Carmen (2024). Remuneration of Distribution System Operators: which framework for anticipatory investments. [Internet]. Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Banet, Catherine; Grjotheim, Sille & Nieuwenhout, Ceciel (2024). Compatibility and interoperability among offshore wind parks and grids: the role of certification and standardisation. [Internet]. Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Banet, Catherine & Antunes, Nuno (2024). Hydrogen Sales and Purchase Agreement (H2 SPA): Challenges in Contract Standardization. [Internet]. Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Banet, Catherine & Mauger, Romain (2023). Recent changes to the energy storage regime in EU law. [Internet]. Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Banet, Catherine & Jerichau, Kia Marie (2023). The role and regulation of flexibility in balancing a 100% green electricity system. [Internet]. Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Banet, Catherine; Lochet, Antoine & Guðjónsdóttir, Anna Björg (2023). Regulation of geothermal energy and EU/EEA law: overview and perspectives. [Internet]. Universitetet i Oslo.

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Tags: Energy law, market design, net zero, energy transition, just transition, permitting
Published Sep. 1, 2023 3:02 PM - Last modified Dec. 4, 2023 9:56 AM


Please take contact with project leader Catherine Banet if you want to be associated to our activities.


Detailed list of participants