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Adaptive socio-technological solutions for Norwegian fisheries and aquaculture

The image contains a fisherman on a boat.

Fishing boats in harbor in fishing community. Photo: Guri Hjallen Eriksen

About the project

NIFS participates with one postdoc position in this project on future developments and possible disruptive events in fisheries and aquaculture.


Postdoc Guri Kristin Hjallen Eriksen investigates how the future control of Norwegian commercial fisheries can and should be designed from a legislator perspective. Her research includes multi-method analysis of legal limits and opportunities for use of different types of technology under the current control regime and in the current legal cultural context, including attention to the role of industry-owned fish sales organizations (forms of co-operatives) in the system. Eriksen also aims to identify and start to explore important legal questions that emerge with the rapid development of new technology, with particular consideration to outcomes of other work packages in FUTURES4Fish.


The Arctic University of Norway (UiT) hosts FUTURS4Fish. Refer to the project's main website for more information about the project as a whole.


FUTURES4Fish is funded by the Research Council of Norway, grant 325814. It runs for four years (2022–2026).

Tags: fisheries, aquaculture, Regulatory framework
Published Aug. 12, 2022 9:51 AM - Last modified Aug. 24, 2023 12:15 PM