Norwegian version of this page

Reorganization of the power market (completed)

The project has focused on the reorganization of the electricity market in Norway. During the last few years, the project has also analyzed how international  legislation affects the Norwegian electricity market.

Image may contain: Sky, Electricity, Symmetry, Electrical supply, Pole.


About the Project

Climate, environment and security of supply challenges enforces the need for changes in the energy sector, nationally and internationally. These changes raise significant legal issues, partly on the current framework and partly on the design of future legislation.


The Electricity Market Project aims to promote legal research that helps to facilitate socially efficient power sector that safeguards the interests of the environment and security of supply. The project is based on national and Nordic challenges that arise in the entire resource chain, from the development of power plants to electricity.

The overall theme of the project is the interaction between energy restructuring and legal framework. In a national and Nordic perspective it is essential to analyze the possibilities and limitations of today's energy and environmental legislation, licensing regimes and contractual structures for development, production, transmission and use of electricity. The creation of a single European energy market and the objective of establishing an energy union means that EU and EEA energy law and its impact on the shaping of national energy policy and energy law is central to the project. In this context it is also relevant to undertake comparative studies of how the regulatory challenges are solved in different comparable countries and regions.


Four doctoral theses are related to the reorganization of the electricity market:

  • Investing in EU energy security - Exploring the regulatory approach to tomorrow´s electricity production by Henrik Bjørnebye.
  • Independent Power Projects in Developing Countries: Legal Investment Protection and Consequences for Development by Henrik Inadomi
  • Om informasjonsplikt og markedsatferd i det finansielle kraftmarkedet (the duty of disclosure and conduct in the financial electricity market) by Odd-Harald B. Wasenden
  • Det indre transportmarkedet (the internal transport market) by Anne-Karin Nesdam


The project was initiated by the Norwegian Institute of Maritime Law, Department of petroleum and energy law. The project started in 2001 and is at present estimated to run until 2024. The theoretical basis for the project is the existence of special administrative laws and EEA Law.


• The project is financed by the Research Council of Norway, project nr 270500.


• The project cooperates with the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy and the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy directorate (NVE)

• The project exchanges information on EU legislation and the power market with the researchers in the Netherlands through the annual Energy Law Report.


  • Rumpf, Julius (2024). Quaternary Law in EU Electricity Regulation: Stretching Meroni too Far? European Energy and Environmental Law Review. ISSN 1879-3886. 33(1), p. 2–15. doi: 10.54648/eelr2023021. Full text in Research Archive
  • Rumpf, Julius (2024). Quaternary Law in EU Electricity Regulation: Stretching Meroni too Far? European Energy and Environmental Law Review. ISSN 1879-3886. 33(1), p. 2–15. doi: 10.54648/eelr2023021.
  • Rumpf, Julius (2023). Statutory Transmission Monopolies in EU and EEA Law—Why a European Energy Union cannot Tolerate National Transmission Monopolies. European Law Review. ISSN 0307-5400. 48(2), p. 167–186. Full text in Research Archive
  • Rumpf, Julius & Banet, Catherine (2023). Energy Law. In Scholten, Miroslav (Eds.), Research Handbook on the Enforcement of EU Law. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISSN 9781802208023. p. 365–380. doi: 10.4337/9781802208030.00033. Full text in Research Archive
  • Rumpf, Julius & Hancher, Leigh (2021). Baltic Cable AB v Energimarknadsinspektionen (C-454/18): The CJEU Decides on Congestion Income Regulation of Single Electricity Interconnector Companies and Applies Classic Remedies for Modern Issues. European Law Review. ISSN 0307-5400. 46(2), p. 242–257.
  • Hancher, Leigh; Kehoe, Anne Marie & Rumpf, Julius (2021). The EU electricity network codes and guidelines: a legal perspective (Second edition). European University Institute Working Papers. ISSN 1830-7728. doi: 10.2870/520736.
  • Rumpf, Julius (2020). Congestion displacement in European electricity transmission systems – finally getting a grip on it? Revised safeguards in the Clean Energy Package and the European network codes. Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law. ISSN 0264-6811. p. 409–436. doi: 10.1080/02646811.2019.1707441. Full text in Research Archive
  • Rumpf, Julius (2019). Does the Energy Union End at the Baltic Sea Coast? Capacity Curtailments on the Baltic Cable. European Competition and Regulatory Law Review (CoRe). ISSN 2510-3148. 3(3), p. 298–305. doi: 10.21552/core/2019/3/8.
  • Rumpf, Julius & Bjørnebye, Henrik (2018). Just how much is enough? EU regulation of capacity and reliability on electricity interconnectors. Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law. ISSN 0264-6811. 37(1), p. 67–91. doi: 10.1080/02646811.2018.1471802.

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  • Golombek, Rolf & Rumpf, Julius (2022). Kan politikerne kutte strømprisen? . Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.). ISSN 0804-3116.
  • Rumpf, Julius (2022). Electricity interconnectors: The 70% capacity rule—one value to rule them all? Legal and governance issues.
  • Arnesen, Finn & Rumpf, Julius (2022). Må si opp EØS-avtalen om vi skal strupe strømeksporten. Dagens næringsliv. ISSN 0803-9372.
  • Rumpf, Julius (2022). Jusspodden §120: Hvilke grenser setter egentlig EØS for Norge? [Internet]. Jusspodden.
  • Rumpf, Julius (2021). The Regulation of Capacity Management on Interconnectors under the Clean Energy Package.
  • Rumpf, Julius (2021). Experts dismiss call to reduce Norway power exports. [Internet]. Montel.
  • Rumpf, Julius (2021). Member in expert panel on the subject 'Legal dimensions of the network codes, guidelines and TCMs'.
  • Rumpf, Julius (2021). Tror på lykkelig utgang av Statnett-SvK-strid. [Internet]. Montel.
  • Rumpf, Julius (2021). Eksperter tror EØS kan hindre struping av krafteksport. [Internet]. Montel.
  • Rumpf, Julius (2020). Monopolies on Interconnectors in EU/EEA Law: National Ownership to Promote a European Energy Union?
  • Alvik, Ivar & Bjørnebye, Henrik (2020). Om konsesjoner og konsesjonsrett. Jussens venner. ISSN 0022-6971. 55(2), p. 85–104.
  • Rumpf, Julius (2017). Just how much is enough? Legal boundaries for reliability planning in electricity transmission systems.

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Published Oct. 15, 2013 2:50 PM - Last modified June 25, 2024 2:16 PM


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