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Safety at sea (completed)

The safety at sea project deals with legal issues connected with safety at sea. What opportunities have governments to influence safety of ships and oil installations? The main part of the project ended in 2010. Publications and presentations from seminars are published on the project's Norwegian pages.

Foto: Kasper Nymann/

About the project

The project covered fundamentally important topics, but also topical issues, such as CO2 emissions from ships and issues related to the Barents Region. Even though our interest stems from our respect for human life and the environment, the main emphasis is placed on issues where lawyers may contribute because the problems are just not only political or technical but also of a legal nature.


The goal of the project was to better understand the problems relating to legal regulation so as to develop a more effective legal framework. Is it so that the safety culture in a ship owning company may be influenced by legislation? How can Norwegian authorities increase safety on foreign ships passing along the Norwegian coastline, and also in relation to oil production in the north?


The projects’ results are mainly be published in professional journals.


For more information about the background of the project, see project description.  


The project has a series of financial sources. The largest contribution is from the University of Oslo, The Research Council of Norway and the Nordic Council of Ministers.


The project cooperates with a network of European maritime institutes, the University of Tromsø, the Fridthjof Nansen Institute, DNV (Det Norske Veritas), the law firm Wikborg, Rein & Co, the Norwegian Coastal Administration among others.


Professor Erik Røsæg

Tags: Safety, Nordic, Barents region, Arctic, Russia
Published Mar. 8, 2021 5:20 PM - Last modified Mar. 8, 2021 5:20 PM


Detailed list of participants