De-Risking the Hydrogen-CCS Value Chain Through Law

Alice O’Brien and Catherine Banet, 'De-Risking the Hydrogen-CCS Value Chain Through Law', European Energy and Environmental Law Review Volume 30, Issue 2 (2021) pp. 24 – 41  

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The integration of hydrogen & carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies within common value chains can contribute to the effective decarbonization of the energy system and hard-to-abate sectors where electrification may not be possible or cost-effective. The H2-CCS chain is here taken as an example of «strategic value chains» in the process towards a low carbon and increasingly integrated energy system. This article looks at how legislation and contracts, separately and in combination, can be used to manage and mitigate risks and incentivise private sector investment along the H2-CCS value chain in Europe. It concludes that the law has an important role in de-risking investments and that further policy steps are necessary to refine the legislative and contractual regimes needed for the successful deployment of such strategic value chains.

The research was part of the ACT H2020 ELEGANCY project - Enabling a low-carbon economy via hydrogen and CCS.

More information about the publication is available here, at

Tags: Carbon Capture and Storage, Decarbonization
Published Apr. 13, 2021 3:51 PM - Last modified Apr. 13, 2021 3:51 PM